Movies that Stay With You


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Originally Posted by Jaim
That scarred me for life! The new one anyway. I'm so damn sensitive when it comes to animals being hurt in movies. I covered my eyes when the dog was killed but when the scary guy ate the birds I started getting all upset. Haha.

Same here! It's worse for me to see an animal hurt in a movie than a person!!! I just knew something was gonna happen w/ those dogs!!! The idiots kept letting 'em would you let your dogs loose in the middle of the nowhere desert???!!!!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Jaim
That scarred me for life! The new one anyway. I'm so damn sensitive when it comes to animals being hurt in movies. I covered my eyes when the dog was killed but when the scary guy ate the birds I started getting all upset. Haha.

my boyfriend can't STAND seeing animals die, the part with the dog really bothered him. we were watching it last night and he was like "it's not gonna show them eating the dog is it?" i was like "no, but later it shows them eating that one chick" and he seriously is like "that's fine, i just don't wanna see animals getting hurt it bothers me" hah i had to cover his eyes with a pillow when the bird part happened...that even grossed ME out.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by YvetteJeannine
Yeah...she was Manic Depressive...

She married Lawrence Olivier

I find her to be one of the most beautiful women I've ever seen. She could'nt have been more perfect for the role of Scarlett (those firey eyes!!).

Indeed. She also had phenomenol bone structure.

I'm a sports movie fanatic, whether it's little kids movies like "little giants" or movies like "For Love of the Game"...give me an underdog and overcoming the odds and I am THERE.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by shimmer
The Notebook...Initially I dismissed it as another chickflick and had no interest. At my best friend's suggestion I did watch it. Oh. Wow. Who DOESN'T want to be loved like that? Who doesn't want to grow old with someone and be THAT loved?
The Passion of the Christ...whether one believes He was saviour or no, the sheer torture he went through and the accurate depiction of said torture is sadly horrifying.
Gone With The Wind...the book was much better, but Vivien Leigh will forever be Scarlett.
BROTHERS IN ARMS...probably the most impacting series I've ever seen in my life. If I watch that today, I will sob.

I have to say i feel that same way about this movie! (The Notebook)

Passion of the Christ: Touched me ... I couldnt stop crying

and i havnt seen the last 2 movies u listed


Well-known member
Originally Posted by hyperRealGurl
I have to say i feel that same way about this movie! (The Notebook)

Passion of the Christ: Touched me ... I couldnt stop crying

and i havnt seen the last 2 movies u listed

Brothers In Arms was actually an HBO series.
If you have any appreciation for American soldiers and the work they did and the comraderie they share, the movie will really get to you. Especially the last two episodes.
It's ten hours, and there are extras, so if you ever DO watch it, I recommend making it something of a nightly or weekly thing, so you're not overwhelmed.

And, given my family's history, etc., I can't watch it without bawling like a child.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by shimmer
Brothers In Arms was actually an HBO series.
If you have any appreciation for American soldiers and the work they did and the comraderie they share, the movie will really get to you. Especially the last two episodes.
It's ten hours, and there are extras, so if you ever DO watch it, I recommend making it something of a nightly or weekly thing, so you're not overwhelmed.

And, given my family's history, etc., I can't watch it without bawling like a child.

Awsome im going to have to watch Brothers In Arms.... I have so much RESPECT for American Soldiers
My Father served in the Army for 21 years Before he retired. So this is something i might have to share with my father
thats if he hasnt already seen it.... Thanks


Well-known member
Originally Posted by hyperRealGurl
Awsome im going to have to watch Brothers In Arms.... I have so much RESPECT for American Soldiers
My Father served in the Army for 21 years Before he retired. So this is something i might have to share with my father
thats if he hasnt already seen it.... Thanks

Dammit, it's Band of Brothers, not Brothers in Arms.

We spent like 2 months playing the Brothers in Arms video game, and it's set almost identically to the Band of Brothers movie.

I so suck at keeping those two straight.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by shimmer
Dammit, it's Band of Brothers, not Brothers in Arms.

I love Band of Brothers. I bought the DVD set. Sometimes I sit down and have a marathon TV veg session w/ it. Good stuff.


Active member
Honestly, quite a few films stick with me.

For example, after seeing Fritz Lang's Metropolis, it's difficult to not compare other films of that genre to it. It's one of the earliest and really quite a standard.

Most Kurosawa films come to mind. And Jeunet.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MAC_Whore
I love Band of Brothers. I bought the DVD set. Sometimes I sit down and have a marathon TV veg session w/ it. Good stuff.

If I sit there and watch that, it can't be while my brother is deployed, and I can't watch We Were Soldiers (DAMMIT I'm tearing up already since he's about to leave again...), or Blackhawk Down, or Behind Enemy Lines. Not while he's gone. If I do I spend the next week and a half an emo mess and it's stupid of me to be that way because he's doing his job and by grief he's having FUN with it.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by shimmer
If I sit there and watch that, it can't be while my brother is deployed, and I can't watch We Were Soldiers (DAMMIT I'm tearing up already since he's about to leave again...), or Blackhawk Down, or Behind Enemy Lines. Not while he's gone. If I do I spend the next week and a half an emo mess and it's stupid of me to be that way because he's doing his job and by grief he's having FUN with it.

Alot of those movies personify dedication, bravery and HONOR. Which are, IMO, becoming harder and harder to find in this world, sadly. If you watch those movies, it really puts things in perspective. Makes me really think about my problems or issues. Suddenly, they don't seem like such a big deal. Hey, thank your brother for me!


Well-known member
Will do.
He's living it up before he heads out.

Oooo another movie, well a scene that stays with me, is Armaggedon when Liv Tyler reaches out and touches the screen and says "Daddy..." after she loses commo with Bruce Willis.



Well-known member
I will have to say that my all time fav movie and the one that sticks with me the most is Imitation of Life. It was made in like 1959...but you can't beat the story or the message it shares. So many emotions in one movie. It's about two (accidental) friends--one black, one white and they raise their young daughters together, all in a time where race was a major factor in how people were classified...I could really tell you guys about it, but I really don't want to ruin it. If you have never seen it..PICK IT UP!!!

i am hollywood

Active member
Finding Neverland -- I didn't think I'd like this movie, but I'm a Depp fan, so I forced myself to watch. And now its my absolute favorite! Its so touching. Still makes me cry everytime I watch it.

The Lost Boys -- I don't know why, but this movie has always been a favorite of mine. I have a slight obsession with vampires, and 80s rock n roll, so thats probably why.

The Thief Lord --
Laugh all you want. In fact, I actually laugh when I think of this being a favorite of mine, but everytime I watch it... I'm entranced. It really has a lovely story line.

super exotic

Active member

I love this movie and ever since I saw it, it has been my favorite movie since. This movie just teaches me about life and how exciting it can be. It is about a father who tells his son stories about his life and while the dad is dying, the son tries to find out who his dad really is because his dad's stories are so farfetched.