Moving To!


Well-known member
I lived in Honolulu most of my life and i've grown to hate this place. It was never like this. When did rush hour run from 8am to 8pm? How did Oahu's population grow from 700,000 to 1.3 million in just a couple of years and its expected to have a 20% increase in population over the next decade, why???? I lived here when costco and sam's club never existed and people had to shop from local grocery stores. I still remember when k-mart was the "IT" place to go shopping and the water in waikiki and ala moana beach was crystal clear, now its turning into a mucky oily shade of green. And 15 years ago? My mom sold our house for 300,000 now that house is probably worth 1 million. I remember when oahu was paradise now its a piece of slum in the pacific ocean, have you even been to kalihi? And drove past all the ice dealers near the kapalama canal late at night? Scary shit. It reminded me of camden, new jersey.

Our utilities is the highest in the nation because we are an island and HECO and the board of water supply are monopolizing their power.

In order to live here you definiately need some sort of useful degree (masters or phd) or know some trade, a $20 an hour job with wont cut it here, its just too expensive.

Sigh i wish it was easy as 1,2,3 to move out of this place :\ If it was i'd be gone in a flash.

Oh right i forgot to mention.. Hawaii's public schools are one of the worse in the nation. And inorder to give your children better education you either have Mid Pack 14,000 a year; Iolani 14,000 a year, and then Punahou 19,000 a year. Good fucking grief.


Well-known member
holy shitballs!

I did start this thread about 2 yrs ago lol. I was in the military and thought me and the hubby were going but we divorced and I seperated so no harm no foul.

But I did remember reading about the meth and homeless problem. Makes sense that homeless situation is crazy cause of the crappy economy. I remember watching dog the bounty hunter and thinking damn that place looks horrible. What I guess are the projects looks like some third world country and not even America.

And the space thing is not even cool. All I saw was high rise apartments that had maybe 800 sq ft. No thanks.

From what I read and saw before it seems like they have way to much crime and poverty in a small area. Ther local law enforcement doesnt have a handle on the situation and no one really cares just like any other poor city (ie new orleans, so sad.