Moving to Oslo


Well-known member
I hate my mother sometimes. Like during the middle of AP exam week and she calls me to let me know that we're moving to Oslo, Norway in about a month and a half. w-t-f?! The company my father works for has transfered him so we're moving, ugh. Barely been in Amman for two or three months now.

What should I expect in Norway? Like shopping, food, weather and people wise.

Oh, and most important of all... Where's a good MAC counter?


Well-known member
Not sure on what to expect from Norway, but hopefully we have a few members here who might be able to help with the closest MAC location.
Good luck with the move!


Well-known member
I love Oslo! It's a beautiful city! The public transportation is really easy to use. I've been there twice while visiting family who live further up north. As far as MAC, I don't know if they have any because my cousin fell in love with my Oyster Girl and I let her have it because she said she didn't have access to it.

I wish I were moving to Norway
Good luck!


Well-known member
I looked it up on the MAC website (because I have too much time on my hands) and apparently there is only one MAC location in the whole of Norway - good news, it's in Oslo! I have no idea if it's a store or a counter, so hopefully someone else can enlighten you on this. Here's what I got off the website:

Stortorvet 9
0155 Oslo
47 22908803

I totally feel you on the moving; but cheer up! At least Oslo is a nice place.
All the best!


Well-known member
For MAC I don't know, there would probably only be counters in the biggest fanciest stores.

Since Oslo is the capital, food and shopping is good. Prices are average, cant explain it in any other way, but don't expect to find any finds.

As for weather, it stays pretty mild all year long, medium summers and medium winters, and expect rain.

People are all nice and friendly and I'd say 90% can communicate in english


Well-known member
I would be stoked to move to Oslo, I think it would be way cooler than where you're at now. And um, Norwegian men are....HOTTTTT!!


Well-known member
I'm in Oslo now and omg it's awesome! Totally different from Amman, but from what I've seen I really like the city. We live in an area called Grünerløkka (sp?) and it's really pretty; the house is smaller than the one in Amman but that's fine.

Everyone's so nice and all the people I've met (so far) speak at least a little English but I'm making an effort to learn Norwegian. Food shopping today was... interesting, lol. We bought alot of frozen stuff, since none of us (except my father) can cook anything edibly.

We're still putting stuff up like pictures, plates, etc.. Most of the furniture is new, which is pretty good. I really hate Ikea and guess where almost all of the bedroom, bathroom, and rec room furniture is from? Uh-huh.

Am going to venture out to find this MAC counter later this week, I bought some extra Mineralize Foundation, Vanilla e/s, and Blacktrack when I was still in the UK.


Well-known member

Will you post some pictures of the city, the place around your house and such?

I would love to go there, will you be my friend?

I wonder what is the typical meal over there...?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Emma_Frost
I'm in Oslo now and omg it's awesome!

Oh, I'm already envious! I'd love to go there, I've only been to Stockholm and fell in love with the city, it's so great. If the other Scandinavian capitals, like Oslo or Helsinki, are even half as pretty, they must be gorgeous.


Well-known member
Oh yay! So glad you like it! There could be worse places to move to… what does your dad do that requires you to move to such interesting cities (if you don’t mind answering, if not that’s understandable)? I’ve always wanted to visit Oslo so definitely post some pics so I can live vicariously.