MUA (make-up academy) £1 per product


Well-known member
Many of you may or may not know of this brand, probably alot of you from the UK wont so I'll explain... MUA or make-up academy are a brand in the UK whose products sell for a £1 each and their range is fairly good, some are ok.. but mainly their shadows and lip products are amazing.

I own a few eye products and here they are swatched and I heard a few people say that some of their shades are amazing dupes for MAC, what do you guys think? I have more information on my blog,



Well-known member
I absolutely love my MUA pressed eyeshadows. I got a few of them when I was in the US and am very happy with them, even though I haven't used them lately.


Well-known member
I believe this week MUA online store is have a special deal because of over 35k likes in face book. They have awesome palettes.


New member
I really like their eyeshadow palettes. They are affordable and have great pigmentation.


I ordered a couple of palettes when they had their 50% special deal. They are nice and for the low price absolutely fine. Got some Lip Booms as well. Very glittery :) but I love glitter


Well-known member
i used their bb foundation which was not good for oily skin. the blushes were great for their price and i love the eyeshadow palettes. also the new highlighter is very pretty


Well-known member
Their Undressed palette is good and cheap replacement for Naked palette, so it is worth a try ;)


Staff member
They have a website where you can order from. They ship to the US! :)