MUA swapper disappeared :(


Well-known member
sooo i arranged a swap with someone on MUA yesterday.. checked her feedback, 98% were positive..

sent her stuff today.. a lipglass AND lipstick..

tried to email her today to say that i sent the stuff and HER PROFILE IS GONE! i want to cry
i know there's nothing i can do but this really REALLY sucks! i hope maybe its just a glitch with MUA and she's still a member, blah blah blah.. but i know that's just wishful thinking!



Well-known member
Apparently MUA has been deleting accounts like crazy right now. SOme for seemingly not reason. I know one girl with like 60 tokens got deleted and she had no clue why, she is trying to get it fixed though. Maybe it was something like that. If nothing comes of it and you don't get your stuff you can send her a snail mail certified letter or look up her phone number, let her know that you will file mail fraud and internet fraud if she decided to swap lift you =) But give it a couple days maybe it will work out =)


Well-known member
Originally Posted by SkylarV217
Apparently MUA has been deleting accounts like crazy right now. SOme for seemingly not reason. I know one girl with like 60 tokens got deleted and she had no clue why, she is trying to get it fixed though. Maybe it was something like that. If nothing comes of it and you don't get your stuff you can send her a snail mail certified letter or look up her phone number, let her know that you will file mail fraud and internet fraud if she decided to swap lift you =) But give it a couple days maybe it will work out =)

hmm, didn't know this.. i hope this is the case!


Well-known member
I only swaped 1x & it was fine. I guess when you swap, you're always taking that chance.

Hope you get your product(s). If you have her e-mail address, I would try to e-mail her.
Good Luck


Well-known member
i'm new to swapping and have already been taken advantage of twice.
both accounts were gone when i went looking for them too. i wonder if we got scammed by one of the same people
i've lost about 5 products, but thats not even what bothers me. i'm just so sick to my stomach that these products that were in my home are now in the home of some jerk who took advantage of something that's supposed to be a positive thing. i'm a pretty sensitive person so i take it personally and i'm so hurt and those products could have gone to someone who would appreciate them and i wouuld have something in return for them
it's really sad..


Well-known member
Ladies swapping can be a lot of fun but you have to be smart about it remember :

1.) Only swap with Veteran swappers with 60 + tokens when you are starting out, most swaplifters have 50 or less tokens. You'll be less likely to be taken advantage of. Then when you have enought tokens to have others send first Ie 20 : 2 you'll be okay.

2.) Beware of new swappers that insist on sending at the same time or not sending first Some of the swap-lifters reasons:
My Mom won't let me send first
I don't want to send a high ticket item out first
I've been taken advantage of in the past IE Swaplifted and I'm afraid to send first

Even if they have something you really want and you feel they don't have enough tokens to warrant you sending first ... WALK AWAY

3.) If it seems to good to be true it probably is.

4.) Check out the tokens don't just look at the amounts because there have been people that create accounts just to leave themselves feedback.

5.) Swaplifters Page


Well-known member
Thanks Skylar for the link to the swaplifters page. I found a girl on there that screwed me (excuse my language) on ebay. I know that she has another user name on ebay and I was wondering if there was a way to add her new ebay user name to the list. TIA!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by coachkitten
Thanks Skylar for the link to the swaplifters page. I found a girl on there that screwed me (excuse my language) on ebay. I know that she has another user name on ebay and I was wondering if there was a way to add her new ebay user name to the list. TIA!

There is a link at the bottom of the page that says "report swaplifter"


Well-known member
Well.. if you've sent her stuff, you would have the swaplifter's name and address? Hmm.. What about her email outside of MUA?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by SkylarV217
1.) Only swap with Veteran swappers with 60 + tokens when you are starting out, most swaplifters have 50 or less tokens. You'll be less likely to be taken advantage of.

That seems like good advice, but it really disadvantages new trustworthy swappers because it encourages people not to swap with them, so how can they ever build up their tokens? I've swapped with quite a few users who only have a few tokens, and yes it's risky, but I want to give them at least a chance. If I was making a bigger purchase for a lot of money, then I probably wouldn't, but if I only buy 1 or 2 items from someone with a few tokens and I get swaplifted, well, at least it's not too much skin off my back.

It takes a lot of swapping to get 60 tokens! Some people just don't have that much makeup to swap.

If the person has fewer tokens than you, just get them to send first, then send your end once you've received the items.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MissChievous
That seems like good advice, but it really disadvantages new trustworthy swappers because it encourages people not to swap with them, so how can they ever build up their tokens?

They can build of their tokens the same way I'm advising these ladies too ( whom I assume are trustworthy new swappers) , by swapping with Veteran swappers to build up tokens to have new swappers send first to them. I'm not sure but I think you may have misunderstood what I said or not seen the ( WHILE STARTING OUt) side note, I edited to make more clear

I do agree, but it is normally the New accounts you would be taken advantage from rather than the older one, what I should have said is Swap with Veteran swappers until you have enough tokens to have the new swappers send first

I am still a new swapper only 22 tokens but I've been really careful from the get go and have not be taken advantage of and I have swapped with people with no tokens and just a few tokens and it's worked out fine. Just don't start out brand new with brand new swappers. B/e then you put yourself in the position to send first or at the same time with people that don't have a lot of reputation. I HATE THE FEW PEOPLE THAT ARE RUINING THIS WONDERFUL THING FOR EVERYONE ELSE I wish we could just trust everyone and swapping would be so much more laid back. Unfortunately we can't so we have to be smart about it. I don't want beautiful trustworthy women to be put off of swapping b/c of one person that take advantage of them, that keeps them from swapping with the good swappers and Thats not right. New Ladies Be Careful and smart and Make it fun =)