Much raved M.A.C shadows that doesn't work for u


Well-known member
For the Trax haters lol

I love to use the Macroviolet Fluidline as an eyeashadow base all over the lid and then pack Trax over it, it's gorgeous! If you don't have Macroviolet as a MA to give you a sample of it for you to try. Try using one of the bronze color e/s as the crease color. Yummy!

Don't be a hater until you've tried this!


Active member
Bumping this thread! Is there anyway to eliminate the orangeness in woodwinked? It's just so gorgeous in the pan


Well-known member
I have to say Woodwinked as well. It just translates as really orangey on me as well (NW15), and I can't figure out a way to bring out the golden tones I see in the pot. Sigh.


Well-known member
Falling Star doesn't look burgundy to me at all.

Beauty Marked - doesn't lool special on me like it does in it's pan.

i agree with the person who says we need to (re)discover the colors....

i finally figured out how to use Cinders from MAC Delights Trend palette - layer over Tease n Teal, with a little Gorgeous Gold in inner corner (i have such a hard time with GG, too)

Club is hard to work with, but i find layering it over Beige-ing s/s brings out the green in it more.

*sigh* i just wished i had an "eye" and automatically knew what colors would work well together.


Well-known member
i know i'm going to get crap for this, but the whole barbie loves mac line. love the concept, but the colors were all so similar to other mac e/s i already owned or were just sorta blah.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by hunnybun
i know i'm going to get crap for this, but the whole barbie loves mac line. love the concept, but the colors were all so similar to other mac e/s i already owned or were just sorta blah.

Barbie loves MAC was kind of underwhelming in general. I expected everything to be out of this world, and it was only so, so.


Well-known member
sushi flower makes me look like i've been rubbing my eyes. i'm trying to layer it over stuff, but i haven't succeeded to make it look nice yet.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by GalleyGirl
Black Tied - I am too pale for any type of black on my face
Parfait Amour - I look bruised
Chrome Yellow - I look jaundiced
Pompous Blue - I look like have too much blue e/s on

Originally Posted by talk2mesun
electric eel ,chrome yellow, bitter and woodwinked

one of the MA at MAC used Claire de Lune e/s from Moonbathe and applied Chrome Yellow over it and buffed the two together so the pearl/shimmer of Claire de Lune showed through and its color turned Chrome Yellow into a creamy shimmery yellow. it looked very wearable.

i think you can use Hush or Jest instead of Claire de Lune if you don't have it.

i can't wear Overgrown, it has too much yellow for me and make me look sallow (which i already am w/o makeup) and sick.


Well-known member
Black Tied and Jewel Blue!

Black Tied- It goes on too sheer for my liking and it's difficult to blend. Also, I hate that it gets everywhere.

Jewel Blue- I don't know what possessed me to buy it. It's so unflattering on me and it's a pain to blend. I've tried using it as a crease colour but it ended up ruining the look.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by SARAHluvsMAC
i dont care much for club or blue brown pigment either, honestly i've never really seen it look fabulous on anyone

I would suggest that you layer Blue Brown or Club with
  1. Lilt
  2. Gladabout
  3. Antiqued
  4. Coppering
  5. Shimmermoss
  6. Plumage (for a shimmery smoky eye)
It will look great. Blend the heck out of it. The Queen of Blending did a Blue Brown look ... made me go out and buy it and I love it.


Well-known member
Practically all of the greens. I don't know if it's a personal preference thing or what, but if I wear green, I always feel like an Asian hooker slut (I'm half Filipino just in case anyone thinks that's a racist jab at Asians - it isn't). Worst offenders are Kelly Green pig, Chartreuse pig, and Golden Olive. All of them make me look jaundiced, a-la hepatitis (I had Hep A a long time ago so maybe the green + jaundice gives me flashbacks.) The only one that is *marginally* passable is the Humid, but I'm not a big fan.


Well-known member
stars n' rockets.
it looks so beautiful in the pot...and then i put it on my lids and it looks so light. i just bought a shadestick so hopefully that will help...i used paint as a base,but it really did nothing to stars and rockets.

also, i hate contrast. it is my least favourite eyeshdawo. i can never ever get it to work.


Well-known member
Woodwinked is okay if I combine it with other colours, and don't have it 'next' to skin. Worn alone, as a wash, it looks like I have dirty eyes. Worn alone, packed on, it looks like I have dirty, shimmery eyes :p

That said, it looks mighty pretty in the pan...

Electric Eel also dislikes me, as do many other blues. Oh, and must I always look so ugly in Sushi Flower? So many girls rock it, just - me? No.

Club looks awesome with a little Shimmermoss and smoked out, though
It's a great going-out look.


Well-known member
I have moss green eyes and all those reddish e/s that can give bruised looks, just look wonderfull on me.
That being said, I'm really sad that I can't wear blue shades well


Well-known member
Originally Posted by ductapemyheartt
stars n' rockets.
it looks so beautiful in the pot...and then i put it on my lids and it looks so light. i just bought a shadestick so hopefully that will help...i used paint as a base,but it really did nothing to stars and rockets.

also, i hate contrast. it is my least favourite eyeshdawo. i can never ever get it to work.

I don't know if you have Pink Pearl pigment but it's almost the same color as Stars N Rockets and shows up more. I (dumb ass) bought them both and usually wear Pink Pearl pigment as a base and pack StarsNRockets on top.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MacArtist
For the Trax haters lol

I love to use the Macroviolet Fluidline as an eyeashadow base all over the lid and then pack Trax over it, it's gorgeous! If you don't have Macroviolet as a MA to give you a sample of it for you to try. Try using one of the bronze color e/s as the crease color. Yummy!

Don't be a hater until you've tried this!

It looks HOT over Crimsonaire Shadestick and over Sea Me Shadestick!!!

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