MUFE High Definition Foundation Discussion


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Re: MUFE High Def Foundation!

Originally Posted by Winthrop44
Great, I will try that. I hate how it stains my 187, lol.

I LOVE 109 for foundation! I cant say enough about it


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Re: MUFE High Def Foundation!

Originally Posted by Winthrop44
Great, I will try that. I hate how it stains my 187, lol.

Originally Posted by blindpassion
I LOVE 109 for foundation! I cant say enough about it

yeah, i noticed that this foundation was staining my 187 also. i would wash it with shampoo and it would still be stained. they only way i got it out was by 1st washing it with shampoo and then applying the mac brush cleaner and working up a lather. for that reason, i have switched to using my 109 which i love for foundation also.


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Re: MUFE High Def Foundation!

Originally Posted by Winthrop44
Is anyone using a brush other than the 187 to apply this?

I use the 180 and it's absolutely FANTASTIC! The best brush!!


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Re: MUFE High Def Foundation!

Try disinfecting your brushes every week or so in alcohol then wash shampoo it gets them back white and also eliminates the bacteria just a tip!


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Re: MUFE High Def Foundation!

I like using the 109 for foundations but I have noticed that it sheds quite a bit. It doesn't shed with powders however - just with liquids or creams


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Re: MUFE High Def Foundation!

Originally Posted by alka1
I like using the 109 for foundations but I have noticed that it sheds quite a bit. It doesn't shed with powders however - just with liquids or creams

Yeah, I have two and they both shed. I find the best thing to do is just use it and then when you're done blending, pick off any fallen hairs all at once, instead of just stopping to get one, and another one, and another one

That just gets annoying



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Re: MUFE High Def Foundation!

The first time I tried this it looked really good. It looked like if I didn't have ANY makeup on, which was great because it covered so nicely yet it felt light on my skin. Well after a few days putting this on I got the only cystic acne on my chin. I noticed that when I stopped using it my face cleared up. I was so bummed out because this foundation was good but at the cost and what it did to my skin I returned it. So I said, "maybe it wasn't the foundation that broke me out but my hormones. Ima go back and get it." I bought it again to give it another try and this time it broke me out on my left cheek. UGH I'm so upset and this time I just said, "well I guess that this foundation is not for me." I'm bummed out that this foundation did this to me. If it wasn't for that and the little oilies I would've kept this because it gives nice coverage. However, I prefer my MAC SFF, which is my HG and I love that one!! Sorry for the long explanation but I just had to give my opinion.


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Re: MUFE High Def Foundation!

Originally Posted by MzzRach
The MUFE Mat Velvet is better at controlling oil. The MUFE HD is gorgeous, but is not nearly as matte as the Mat Velvet. HTH!

I agree. The HD is a good replacement if you liked the Lift foundation, which was more hydrating. It's great, but it won't do a lot to control oil.


Re: MUFE High Def Foundation!

I recently took a trip to the MUFE boutique here in NYC and was a little annoyed to discover that I am in between shades, so to get an ideal match I would have to purchase two shades (153 and 173) and then mix them together. Grrrr!


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Re: MUFE High Def Foundation!

I just bought this yesterday and used it for the first time today. I think I'm going to really like it.

I found that many shades seemed to "disappear" (like its supposed) into my coloring, so I think it'll be a few applications before I decide if I really grabbed the right shade or not. Even in MAC, I can wear NW, NC and N, so it may be that I could have grabbed any of the ones that seemed to work in MUFE and be fine.


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Re: MUFE High Def Foundation!

whatstyleistonickel on YT just did a video on getting HD in the UK, and he said you can only get it at but watch his video and he will tell you more, the video is dated Oct. 12, 2008 and says Haul and Vlog


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Re: MUFE High Def Foundation!

I bought it this weekend while I was at Sephora, along with the MUFE 5 Camouflage Cream Palette (No 4). I LOVE THEM BOTH!

First of all, after the MA put the palette on me I really didn't need that much foundation... at all. I can't explain how much I love this palette. Anyhoo, then he put the foundation on me and I fell in love. My face looked so smooth and even. Like, have you ever been doing your makeup a certain way for a really long time and THOUGHT you were doing good... until you found something better? THAT'S exactly how I feel about these 2 products.

I took some pictures with it on. If I didn't look like a crack head in them all I would post them. Maybe later I will take newer pics and post them with a before and after.

But seriously, even if you don't get the HD foundation, try out the concealer palette. It's $36 but SO worth it to me. My friend (pnuttbuttajelli on the forums) even was like, "WOW! You look AWAKE!" after the MA put it on me.

I love them both so much I just ordered the HD Microfinish Powder online (even though I could have bought it in person, there's a store close to my job... geez I'm lazy). MAYBE eventually I will buy the MUFE primer.


Well-known member
Re: MUFE High Def Foundation!

Does anybody have both this and MAC's Mineralize Satinfinish? Which do you like better? I can't decide between the 2


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Re: MUFE High Def Foundation!

Originally Posted by mizuki~
Does anybody have both this and MAC's Mineralize Satinfinish? Which do you like better? I can't decide between the 2

well, i used them both. the most distinguishing thing is that hd looks like a more improved version of your skin and satinfinish looks like a better, but unreal version. that's because satinfinish has these visible "sparkles." hd does not have this, but manages to give your skin luminosity. as far as wear and what not, i can't remember much [as a haven't use satinfinish in a while]. i do remember though that the satinfinish did make my face "shiner" and felt heavier on my face than the hd.


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Re: MUFE High Def Foundation!

Will this foudation clog my skin? I know everyone will have a different reaction but that's why I've been so scared to try to liquid foundation!


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Re: MUFE High Def Foundation!

I got color matched at Sephora with a friend of mine. At first I thought, eh, nothing special, but I had it on one day and went to a spinning class after work. Even after all the sweating and toweling off, it didn't budge! I'm a believer!


Well-known member
Re: MUFE High Def Foundation!

Originally Posted by mizuki~
Does anybody have both this and MAC's Mineralize Satinfinish? Which do you like better? I can't decide between the 2

After buying this last weekend, ALL of my MAC foundations have been sent to the foundation storage bin (i.e. out of current rotation.)

I stopped by Sephora today to pick up the HD primer; bought the HD foundation and microfinish powder (which blows my MAC setting powder out of the water IMHO) last weekend.

I would buy this again at $40 before buying MAC satinfinish with my discount.


Well-known member
Re: MUFE High Def Foundation!

I don't have a Sephora within 3 hours of me. I don't know if I should get the 115 or 117. I have yellow undertones to my skin, so that would be the 117, but I don't WANT to look yellow. Will that be the case? Or would the 115 cancel out the yellow and give me a better finish?


Well-known member
Re: MUFE High Def Foundation!

Thank you damsel & COBI! Looks like I will have to get the MUFE HD foundation, my first liquid foundation.
Although I'm a bit scared I will fall so deep in love with this, that'll it'll waste all my other foundations


Well-known member
Re: MUFE High Def Foundation!

Hmmmm... I love the finish that I get intially from my MUFE HD, however, by lunchtime its almost disappeared off my face.

I use Clinique pore minimiser instant perfector as a primer and have applied with fingers, sponge and a brush (not all at the same time of course!)

I've set it with both MAC Blot Powder and MAC MSF Natural as well.

My skin is combination with a oily cheeks and chin, dry nose and normal head!

What can I do to make my HD last? It looks so good when I first apply it, I am loathed to give up so early.