murderer gets PROBATION.


Well-known member
I remember reading about that! That is bizarre. I mean how could you just accidentally do that, you would have to be really intoxicated or drugged. Strange incident. A woman in my area was recently ran over and killed by a garbage truck. No one knows how that happened either.
She must of not been paying attention? I don't know...=/


Well-known member
yeah...hah, i was just watching it on TV, and i love how the judge is like "Mr Weller deserves a prison sentence, but..." isn't it the judge's job to give the man the sentence he deserves?


Well-known member
what happened was he had a bad leg so they have the brake changed to the oppisite side and he got confused pressed the gas instead of the brake pressed it harder to try to stop but ended up just going faster beacuse of course it was the gas and not the brake.

So yeah i dont think he deserves to go to prision for an accident.


Well-known member
No offense to older people but there has to be a point where they should not be allowed to drive without a companion. Yes they deserve their independence but when your sight, hearing, reflexes start to fail you become a hazard.

If he needed to have the brake changed and he was confused about where each pedal was he should not have been driving. I think it's quite obvious now he is/was a danger to others.

Ms. Z

Well-known member
"Weller could have received up to 18 years in prison, but the judge said Weller's health problems including severe heart disease would make him a burden on prison authorities and taxpayers, and that imprisonment would most likely kill Weller. ":what:

B.S. He would die of old age, not imprisonment, he has already lived passed his life expectancy. Yes, he deserves to go to jail, sick or not (there are young sick people in jail; his age should not be an exception). I feel that people his age should not drive, the way I see it, if you feel that you are capable of driving than you have to handle the responsibility that goes with it.


Well-known member
just like you and i, i feel that by him getting behind the wheel he is taking the same responsibility we all are, TO BE SAFE. if he could not handle such responsibility, he shouldn't have assumed it by getting in the car.

Daizy, even though it was an accident, he legally can be charged with Vehicular Manslaughter. he can't be charged with murder, persay...but Manslaughter, yes. that happens countless times during the year, and if i caused a car accident and killed someone in the car i hit, you'd better bet i'd be charged with Vehicular Manslaughter.

it's just really upsetting to me that they're letting this man off so easily simply based on his age. it seems kind of discriminatory to me. if he were even 10 years younger, that judge surely would have given him the maximum sentence


Well-known member
Eh...if you have a bad leg and health issues and they have to acutally alter your car, I think there has to be a point where you say that you need to stop driving. Aren't there tons of inmates that are old and sick and in prison?


Well-known member
They should send him out to AZ. Our sheriff and jails are notorious with the tent cities and 120+ heat in the summer for 5 months out of the year. We're also notorious for overcrowding.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by f1rewater
No offense to older people but there has to be a point where they should not be allowed to drive without a companion. Yes they deserve their independence but when your sight, hearing, reflexes start to fail you become a hazard.

If he needed to have the brake changed and he was confused about where each pedal was he should not have been driving. I think it's quite obvious now he is/was a danger to others.

I agree with you 100% percent...there's no justice in this case...for the victims AND for the old man...


Well-known member
Originally Posted by ZLoves2Shop
"Weller could have received up to 18 years in prison, but the judge said Weller's health problems including severe heart disease would make him a burden on prison authorities and taxpayers, and that imprisonment would most likely kill Weller. ":what:

B.S. He would die of old age, not imprisonment, he has already lived passed his life expectancy. Yes, he deserves to go to jail, sick or not (there are young sick people in jail; his age should not be an exception). I feel that people his age should not drive, the way I see it, if you feel that you are capable of driving than you have to handle the responsibility that goes with it.

Unfortunately, it comes down to economics: it would cost more money to have this man in jail and have to take care of him medically than to give him probation. That just how things go...which kind of sucks.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by DaizyDeath
what happened was he had a bad leg so they have the brake changed to the oppisite side and he got confused pressed the gas instead of the brake pressed it harder to try to stop but ended up just going faster beacuse of course it was the gas and not the brake.

So yeah i dont think he deserves to go to prision for an accident.

I agree


Well-known member
I'd like to know his actual condition in better detail before casting judgement on his sentence.

Is he bedridden now due to heart issues? In that case I think the judges decision not to move him to jail is justified. As he would just end up in the Prison hospital ward, rather than the hospital he is in now. Only instead of his personal finances and insurance covering his medical, it would be tax dollars. If he can't leave his bed, he's already basically in a prison.

If he is mobile, I think he should go to prison.

I think this is just a symptom of the apathy many elderly develop as they get into their advanced years. We all have a grandparent who is basically pissed at the world for getting old, and really could care less about anyone and anything. Since most of their friends/close family/relatives are dead or dying, and they may be close to death themselves.

One of the reasons I avoid old men as much as possible when I'm out and about. They seem to all think that being over 70 gives the a free pass to make rude comments about you, or pinch your bottom as you walk by or stare at your breasts in an obvious manner. Social grace goes out the window for some people as they age.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by DaizyDeath
what happened was he had a bad leg so they have the brake changed to the oppisite side and he got confused pressed the gas instead of the brake pressed it harder to try to stop but ended up just going faster beacuse of course it was the gas and not the brake.

So yeah i dont think he deserves to go to prision for an accident.

Is that the truth, or just one of those fictional defenses that lawyers create to get their client off, thats plausable. There was testimony that after hitting the car b4 entering the farmers market that he braked not once, but twice. That tells me that he hesitated b4 saying F it, lets run some people over. Not to mention there were many solid objects he could have steered into, but instead he swerved into people. Drivers typically swerve AWAY from living things into objects to avoid hitting them. Look at the accidents caused by small animals that cause drivers to crash into trees or run off the road. People's typical reflex (You can't control most reflex's) is to avoid living things (unless their sicko's who aim for small animals in the road, but thats INTENTIONAL). If it wasn't people wouldn't wreck their expensive cars to avoid running over a squirrel or pigeon or bunny in the road.

Plus, had a victim not gotten jammed in the wheelwell of the car, he wouldn't have stopped. I have a hard time believing even for an elderly man, that he could have held his foot on the gas for that long w/out realising that he's pressing the wrong pedal. If he had stopped sooner and hit a few people I might be inclined to believe it was "pedal error" and was truly and accident. But he held it down for 2 blocks and only stopped because the car's wheels would not spin anymore because they were jammed. I bet his foot was firmly on the gas when the vehicle came to a halt. I've had "pedal error before" and it only took me a split second to realise I hit the gas and not the brakes. You really have to want to hold the gas down to do what he did.

I think he's guilty.

Ms. Z

Well-known member
Take the bus please!

Read the article carefully. Quote from the article
“The judge dissected the accident events beginning with the initial car-to-car collision and noted that Weller had enough control of his own vehicle to steer away from cars and trucks within the farmers market.

"Mr. Weller chose to steer into the people, plowing into the crowd and literally launching bodies into the air as his car sped 2½ blocks," the judge said. “

The way I am reading this, he could have crashed into another car and possibly stopped his car, but instead he chose to steer away from the other cars (so that he would not get hurt) & purposely steered his car towards the people saving himself from harm without regard for their lives. He did not have to be drunk nor on medication to make this decision, he is so arrogant that although in his 80’s he has lived a full life, he saw his life and his vehicle to be far more important than the life of other human beings.

Retaking the test and a doctors note is not enough. Old people should not drive. Anyone of any age who makes the same decision he chose, should be dealt life in prison.