Must-Have Items for New or First-Time Mothers


Well-known member
-rocking chair
-vibrating chair with a removable seat so you can wash it.
-car seat
-car seat head rest for newborns so their head stays in place in the car.
-bottles (dr. brown's are great, they reduce gas buildup in baby's tummy)
-different size of nipples for the bottles. My kid never took the newborn one, always the bigger size. It's very frustrating for everyone if he can't get milk when he sucks.
-breast pump (a great invention for the night when you want to go out without baby)
-diapers (duh)
-baby wipes or cloths
-burping pads
-a quiet swing that winds up quietly.
-nursing pads!
-desitin or something that contains zinc oxide for moderate diaper rash or lansinoh(pure lanoline) for prevention,
-lots onesies the kind with feet and without feet
-lots of sizes of onesies...those suckers grow really fast.
-always keep socks on them when they are without anything on their feet. babies bodies lose their temperatures faster than grownups.
-little blankets(they liked to be wrapped up tight especially when they are fresh born)
-playpen/crib for sleep when they are very young (easy to move around the house with you)
-pacifier- only if the baby is sucking their thumb. If they use a pacifier they may need braces later, but sucking a thumb is an even harder habit to break.
-transitional object...for sleeping, like a teddy bear, blanket.
-boppy for breastfeeding and then sitting the baby up later
-a colorful mobile for the crib.. babies love bright colors contrary to the pastels they always put out for them.
I can't think of anything else at the moment, but there is so much helpful stuff out there now. Have fun with your new one and enjoy their personality.

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