Thanks so much for the suggestions guys! This is the list I'm going to aim for:
pink grapefruit
viva glam v
spring bean
and maybe:
love nectar
oyster girl
Lol it's a lot for me already, thanks so much for the suggestions!
Ada-yes, I LOVE fancy that-it's the BEST coral color ever and actually looks good on me!
Kristen-Springbean looks cool, I'll try it-plus, I'm a sucker for lipglosses that are green/blue/yellow in tubes! ;D
Kristen and exodus - Lustreglasses, I don't know, they seem thicker and seem to make me lips chapped? Maybe I just had a bad experience with Flusterose, but that's why.
pink grapefruit: ok, I put love nectar on the list just 'cause you recommended!