Must Have Paint Pots?


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Can someone tell me if Girl Friendly is any good ? I was thinking to get it from ebay .So far i have 6 paint pots: Painterly,Bare Study,Rubenesque,Fresco Rose,Moss Scape and Delft.


Well-known member
I think paint pots are great, but I do have one problem. My Rubenesque and Greenstroke are 1 year old and they're quite dried out. Is there any way i can prevent paint pots from drying or "un-dry" those two? I've read somewhere some girls store them upside down, maybe I have to try that.


Well-known member
^^^^ i store mine upside down so I can see the colours, but they aren't that old so I don't know if it stops them drying out or not.

I love bare study, its my 'I use it nearly everyday' paint pot.


Well-known member
IMO, painterly and rubenesque are the 2 best to get.

Painterly can be used as a base, for any shadows. Rubenesque to be used alone for the days when I have to rush to do my makeup.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by nunu
Painterly, Rubenesque and Fresco Rose.

Ditto! Exactly the ones I was going to mention. These are great


Well-known member
i went paint pot crazy for a time and bought bare study, painterly, delft, greenstroke, moss scape, perky, rubenesque, fresco rose and rollickin. after a while i realized i didnt use a lot of them hardly ever so i sold/swapped delft, greenstroke, rubenesque, and moss scape (even though it's beautiful).
i find the lighter more neutral ones are more versatile, but that's just my opinion. i found delft and moss scape too dark to make them work for me, even as bases. but some other people totally rock them.
i recently also bought soft ochre.
i would say that bare study is a good one, and painterly or soft ochre depending on if you're pinker or more yellow.
ok, i've already typed way more than necessary. lol


Well-known member
I would definitely get either Painterly or Soft Ochre (depending on your skin tone). Painterly is more of a natural color with pink undertones. Soft Ochre is a natural color with yellow undertones. Then I would get Bare Study for days you want to wear more shimmer. You can really put any colors with those three. If you do a lot of darker colors, I would get Blackground also. It's great because you can put lots of darker/brighter colors over it and it really looks awesome.


Well-known member
painterly is my must have (neutral base)

other paintpots i really like are
rubenesque (perm)- as a base and alone
rollicking (fafi LE) - i love it under teals and blues
perky (fafi LE) - i love this one alone or with a lil shimmer (solar bits) on top
groundwork - great under neutrals and browns


Well-known member
Originally Posted by l1onqueen
I have Barestudy, Delft, Greenstroke, and Rubenesque. I say to start out I'd get barestudy its a great base for any E/S combo. I always wonder if I should have gotten Indianwood instead of Rubensque. Does anyone have both? What is the difference?

Indianwood and Rubenesque are drastically different. Indianwood is a metallic bronze while Rubenesque is a peach with a golden shine. Plus, I find Rubenesque to be much more sheer than Indianwood. They're both fantastic. I adore woodwinked over Indianwood!

Originally Posted by xpucu
Can someone tell me if Girl Friendly is any good ? I was thinking to get it from ebay .So far i have 6 paint pots: Painterly,Bare Study,Rubenesque,Fresco Rose,Moss Scape and Delft.

Girl Friendly is very pretty. The closest eyeshadow to its colour that I have is Neutral Pink (but girl friendly isn't as dark or something). Plus, it doesn't have any shimmer, which means it's matte friendly.

Originally Posted by Moxy
I think paint pots are great, but I do have one problem. My Rubenesque and Greenstroke are 1 year old and they're quite dried out. Is there any way i can prevent paint pots from drying or "un-dry" those two? I've read somewhere some girls store them upside down, maybe I have to try that.

I've always kept mine stored upside down so I could read the labels, and I got my Moss Scape well over a year ago now and it's still as creamy as day one. For your ones that are currently kind of dried out, try using some mixing medium on your brush (or a mix of 3/4 water and 1/4 glycerin) when you use them and it should help considerably. :nod:


Well-known member
Originally Posted by dreamiez
what should i get if i wear lots of purple /browns?

quite natural is a very nice base to use for brown shadows in my opinion. as far as a base for purple shadows i have used a black shadestick by Avon as a base for deep purples,greens and deep blues and have found this method to be amazing. Blackground p/p or Sharkskin shadestick should work depending on the texture of the product you like to work with.


Active member
i have:
Bare Study
Quite Natural
Nice Vice
Girl Friendly

i want: (CCO's here i come!!!!)
Layin Low
Fresco Rose

It probably sounds really weird, but i cant get Quite Natural to work on me


Well-known member
Honestly, none. They are inferior to other bases imo, and the neutral colored ones dull down the colors of the eyeshadow.


Well-known member
I love ...Painterly, Soft Ochre, Bare Study & Blackground..I use these the most

I also wear

Girl Friendly
Electro-Sky - Very Rarely


Well-known member
Originally Posted by makeba
quite natural is a very nice base to use for brown shadows in my opinion. as far as a base for purple shadows i have used a black shadestick by Avon as a base for deep purples,greens and deep blues and have found this method to be amazing. Blackground p/p or Sharkskin shadestick should work depending on the texture of the product you like to work with.

Quite natural looks pretty dark when i swatched it.

how about constructivist?

I bought fresco rose, then i realise i don't know what shadows to pair it with.


Well-known member
I love my Groundwork (a very nice light brown with sheen) and I'm definitely getting Bare Study (only 10 days until my London trip)!


Well-known member
Thank you all for your input... I'm excited to finally go pick a few up on payday
So glad I found this forum - You are all a bunch of wonderful chicks

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