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My 2nd Ever Tutorial: Dramatic "pointy" eye. Haha.


Well-known member
Oh my god, I love it!! Those colours work so well together, I have neen lusting after Trax for ages, but that's confirmed how much I want it.

Thank you for a fantastic tut!! xx


Well-known member
Gorgeous! I'm so glad you posted a tut on this look!! Now I can take a stab at it though it prolly won't come out nearly as well. lol. All the same great tut! Love the little side comments. =) Keep posting more if you can (I know they can be a pain...I do video ones for youtube occasionally) cause I love your FOTD's!


Well-known member
Krap. That was great.

Beautiful job!
Soooo pretty! I'd love to try that out one day, if I have a spare 2 hours, lol. I would screw that up about 20 times before I got it to look half decent. Keep up the good work