My babygirl is walking :)


Well-known member
So I have been in mommy mode and havent been on my beloved Specktra in ages it seems lol, well Tink turned 10mths on the 14th and that was the day she started walkin for real lol, she was taking steps since Thanksgiving but i think she was scared of bustin her ass for real lol..anyway, its a wrap, gotta move everything up now and the babygate is up..

shes a tall lil mama lol, 33 inches :-o lol anyway, time to start planning for her bday party..small lil get together and a Hello Kitty theme


Well-known member
awww. how cute! Isnt being a mommy and watching ur child grow the best? I thank the lord every day that I have healthy children.


Well-known member
Awww, that's wonderful! Be sure you watch her though, once they start walking they start getting too curious!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by BeccalovesMAC
awww. how cute! Isnt being a mommy and watching ur child grow the best? I thank the lord every day that I have healthy children.

yes it is!! and i thank the lord for the same thing every day

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