My Boyfriend Is Driving Me Crazy!


Well-known member
Ok so first of all, this might seem really juvenile you (i'm only 15) but i need to rant about this somewhere.

So my boyfriend of 2 years came over to just hang out and watch my favorite tv shows (the season premier). We finished watching one show then he decided that he wanted to go home. He called his parents to give him a ride but they were a few hours away. So he asked me for a ride from my mom.
It was the beginning of the 2nd show so i asked if he could wait a little because i've been waiting a LONGGGG time to watch the show so i wanted to stay. So then i was about to ask my mom to give him a ride home then he got really pissed because i didn't want to go with my mom to give him a ride.
Then he stormed out and said that he was walking home. I told him that it wasn't safe because it is 10 PM and he lives pretty far away. I tried to run after him but he is a faster runner than me so then i just decided to give up.
He then called me and he was saying that he hopes he gets sick or gets jumped because then he can blame it on me. Then he said that he was gonna tell his parents so they will hate me and shit. & he also said that i MADE him walk home. But it was his choice .. right?
I'm tired of his behavior, he is like this a lot.
But i don't want to break up with him because we can have a lot of fun.
But then again.. he always blames me for things.
Like today we took out some whipped cream in a canister and we forgot to put it back. When we realized this he said that if it doesn't work then it's my fault.
It's so stupid.

Sorry for this long childish rant.
What are your opinions?


Well-known member
Sometimes we're a lil blind while in love. But base on my point of view, you're boyfriend is a lil immature and all he care is about himself. Why could you say "we can have a lot of fun" with a guy like this? I'm not going to suggest you to break up with him, but do you have friends? Did you talk to them?

Because i have a friend who happens to have a boyfriend just like yours. He controls her life and very bossy. I sometimes feel very piss off and sorry for her. We even did not hang out and got into a fight because of him. Do you want that to happen between your and your best friend?


Well-known member
His behavior is definitely childish...and good for you for recognizing that. You say that y'all have fun together...well, technically you can have fun with anyone when times are good. If he's fun to hang out with, then be his friend and have fun together. But when his behavior gets to the point where he's threatening you with "telling his parents so they will hate you" then you need to draw the line. He needs time to grow up. You need time to have fun and not deal with his childish crap. Date around. Have fun.


Well-known member
Your rant isn't childish; your boyfriend is.
You may have fun times with him, but you have to weigh that with all the things in your rant.
Do you think he's worth the grief?


Well-known member
Honestly it seems like he's just trying to make you feel bad on purpose, almost like a control thing, where no matter what he does its always somehow your fault. You guys probably do have alot of good times together but if its getting serious to the point of potential family drama, i say he's not worth it and you should move on.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Lizzie
Your rant isn't childish; your boyfriend is.
You may have fun times with him, but you have to weigh that with all the things in your rant.
Do you think he's worth the grief?


He seems very immature.


Well-known member
When you are young and you have been in a relationship for so long to tend to want to talk yourself into staying in that relationship b/c it is what you know. He sounds like he is very childish and selfish. If I were you I would consider moving on. To me it sounds like it would be better for you and healthier to be free of a person like this. You are maturing and he is not and that will cause a lot of head ache and hurt for both of you in the long run. While you have fun with him sometimes take a long look at it and see if you the fun out weighs the hurt and the bad times if it doesn't cut your loses and move on. In the end you will meet someone else that is more mature and that will both treat you better and be fun.

Good Luck =)

M.A.C. head.

Well-known member
Every little comment he makes and all the times he tries to place blame on you will start to get to you. That's abusive behavior, believe it or not. If I were in your situation, I would not date him anymore. You can have fun with your friends and family, you don't need a boyfriend to provide that for you!


Well-known member
you need to step out of the situation and look at it from another point of view. your young you need to let him go and enjoy ur life. dont put up with that mess. imo.


Well-known member
Oh god, just dump him. If he's going to act like that maybe he's not mature enough to have a girlfriend. Honestly he's acting like a little girl. I agree with M.A.C. head, this dude can become abusive. Good luck :] but in all seriousness if you're not happy then just don't stick around.


Well-known member
Yeh he's being immature..he is immature - he's 15!!!
Obviously that's no excuse if his behaviour makes you mad and whatnot, so what's fair for both of you is to be honest with him. Tell him you love being with him, so why ruin things with petty arguments.
Thinking back, and i dont mean to sound patronising, but age 15, you're still young, and petty things seem so important and worth making a big deal over.
I'm sure you guys will sort things out in no time at all.


Well-known member
maybe you two are too young for a relationship. most people are immature at fifteen, i'm not saying that you are..but he definately is, and imho that's okay...he's only fifteen. you might be mature enough for a relationship, but most guys your age aren't...hell, most guys my age aren't.


Well-known member
That's emotional abuse. Tell him to go take a running jump off of a very tall cliff and go enjoy your life. You'll find a respectful guy soon enough so don't rush it.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by kimmy
maybe you two are too young for a relationship. most people are immature at fifteen, i'm not saying that you are..but he definately is, and imho that's okay...he's only fifteen. you might be mature enough for a relationship, but most guys your age aren't...hell, most guys my age aren't.

i agree 100%.. well said.


Well-known member
i'm pretty young too (19), and i remember when my bf (now husband) and i were that age. we were pretty stupid, but not like your bf.

i used to get mad when he couldn't come with me to get dropped off by his brothers because it would feel a little awkward, but i wouldn't say stupid things like your bf.

i don't think you're too young for a relationship, its just that he's still VERY immature. you know how they say girls are more mature than guys during the teen years. it seems like that's what your situation is kinda. if he really loved you and wanted to have a successful, lasting relationship with you, why the heck would he want his parents to hate you? have you tried asking him why he acts the way he does?

and that whipped cream thing is so stupid. even at that age, if my bf said something like that i'd look at him like he was crazy and ask him, "wth, are you a kid or something?"

hope everything works out and let us know what happens!


Well-known member
Dmup him. He's abusive and immature, and you don't deserve to put up with that, no matter how many 'good times' you can have with him i don't think they make up for his abusive behaviour. He has some serious growing up to do.
Good luck


Well-known member
I agree with the previous posters.

The guy you described is looking out for his best interest only... himself.


Well-known member're 15. With how young [and cute!] you are, you can find a guy that will not only be more mature, but will treat you like the princess you are and appreciate you enough to sit through one damn tv show.

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