My Boyfriend Is Driving Me Crazy!


Well-known member
Hey hey!!

I've seen this before and it never gets any better. He is basically just testing how far he can go with you and every time he wins he is just storing it up to manipulate you. And when he loses he does what he does with the telephone call and finds another way to make you feel bad or it your fault...

It really shows he has some issues with his self esteem but he is already showing signs that he is going to take it out on you. Believe me there are really good guys out there who would never treat you this way and it would be so much nicer for you if your man looked out for you and appreciated you!!

Ultimately its your decision but I think by even asking this question here deep down you know somethings not right. Just ask yourself how far you are prepared to go down this route with him and when he hits that point let go...

You will deffo be alright - you don't need him to complete your life honey - your fab!!!


Well-known member
hiya hun,
i do get you, im 16 been with my boy friend nearly three years, i am made to go with him in the car (by my mum) which is understandable, if my parents are willing to give up there time, then i should take him home too. thank god he is learning to drive though it makes life so much easier. i do feel your boy friend acted abit childish, saying if he gets jumped it would be your fault, because it wouldnt at all. it would be a case of the wrong time the wrong place. sometimes people can be petty, it will blow over and he will apologise.