My Co-workers is upset that I applied at MAC?!?!?

Hi everyone. I'm really upset at this moment..You see I work for Lancome in Macys PT. I had a interview/demo with MAC last week thursday. I told my cosmetics manager,counter manager, & lancome vendor. They are a bit upset at this moment. You see I told my cosmetics manager(macys) she said it would be ok for me to apply and get a interview after March 1st,'09. So, I told my counter manager too as well. Now, I finally had a interview last week thursday that's the 26th of March. Couple days before I had my interview of course i gave my counter manager and cosmetics manager *macys* heads up. They was okay w/ know..after my interview & demo my counter manager told me to call her after the i did. so happen my mac interview went GREAT!!they loved me! I got sent to the back...after my demo..I really think I got it..So, My counter manager is like okay when are u going to find out if you got hired because we have a waiting list..of ppl wants to work for lancome. I said in a this coming thursday. and that if i do get hired..i will put in 2 weeks of notice. So, now I went to work today..all my co-workers was giving me attitude they totally ignored me..they talk shet about me..that i'm not good w/makeup & that i'm to shy to work for MAC
INFRONT OF the MAC girls now.. I tried to talk to the manager at the MAC counter because i'm kinda close to her...then I see my COUNTER manager trying to get closer to listen. I didn't have any privacy at all.

My counter manager said that ok if you don't get hired from MAC..I dont know if our vendor or myself want's you to work for us still..because you are not loyal to just staying w/us cuz you didn't get into MAC. WTF is this!! you can't fire me because i applied at MAC.
I'm so confused!!!! I dont know what to vendor from lancome said she will be having a long talk w/my boss *macys* because she didn't even know nothing that I was applying for MAC in the first place.

someone please help me! i've been dedicated worker for lancome and I just want to work for my dream job as a mac makeup artist..and need more income for my family...I can't handle 8.00 hour working for lancome in macys.

Sorry so long..just needed to vent bad!


Well-known member
Re: My Co-Workers is upset that I applied at MAC?!?!?

Unfortunately, I think it may have been better not to say anything at all unless you had gotten the job. The fact of the matter is the Lancome personnel seem to want to play hard ball, are trying to be mean and make you feel terrible about your decision. They can not fire you for applying to work for MAC unless there is a specific clause in your working agreement. However, are these the people you want to work for and with. Is this the kind of support, guidance and attitude you aspire to. No, I think not. If you feel this positive about getting the job, look forward wholeheartedly to it. Continue to do your best at the Lancome counter until you know and once you find out you have gotten the job. Smile happily and give your notice as you have something big to look forward to and they will soon see you back. Keep you chin up and show that you are the better person and they are losing something big. SMILE Girl!


Well-known member
Deng girl which Macys do you work at? That sucks Windward mall? If so do you want me to go there and complain about the managers and give you a good word?? Hehe Totaly willing to! I dont have much to say about their attitudes though. They must hate that you have the skills to work at MAC and are being considered. Why else would they have so much anymosity (sp?) towards you!
Re: My Co-Workers is upset that I applied at MAC?!?!?

Thanks for your advice...But, since Macys & MAC is partnership...I had to tell my boss that I'm applying at MAC,Or I got a interview with MAC or umm..I got hired to work for MAC. I try my best to not have any conflict w/macys. I'm following the rules! In other words if I didn't say anything at all..omg macys would be pissed off and they have the last word if I can leave and go forward to MAC.


Well-known member
But there should be a way for you to interview discreetly. For the exact reasons you've stated, we have (in my non-makeup job) a confidential way to apply for a job in a different department so that your current manager wouldn't be made aware of the interview unless you had been offered and accepted the job. You can also waive this confidentiality. It is the same thing we offer to outside applicants; next to your current employer, there is a question about whether we can contact them. During an interview, we tell you if you are of one of the "finalists" and we will need to contact your current employer to finalize references. If you don't make it to that point, your current employer would never know you applied with us unless you told them.

I can't imagine that Macy's, as big as they are, don't have a confidential way to handle internal transfers, and if you are applying for Mac and Macy's isn't involved at all, then there should be even less of an issue.

And of course, they're upset; they are likely taking this as you think MAC is better than Lancome and perhaps by extension that you are better than them. And if you tell them that Lancome isn't the right place for you (by telling them that you really want to work for and are applying at MAC), then it is not surprising that they would agree that maybe it's not the right place for you by letting you go.

In the end, I'd take it as a lesson learned about workplaces.


Well-known member
The same thing happened to me when I first applied to MAC. After I got the job, turns out they were mad because they had applied too, but didn't get it. Just do your best while you wait and be as positive as you can, it will show that you are the bigger person. You should not be made to feel bad for wanting to do more with your career, but sadly, this happens a lot in workplaces. Good luck!
But, Can Macys Fire Me if MAC doesn't hire me.??because I applied & had a interview w/MAC? I did give Macy a heads up notice for 2 months and only now I got a interview w/MAC.


Well-known member
Don't know about Hawaii specifically, but I think most states in the US are "free will" states meaning that you are employed at "free will": you can leave at anytime without reason, and they can let you go at any time. In other words, either party is free to end the working arrangement for any reason (excluding protected discrimination reasons.)


Well-known member
Seriously I worked for Lancome in a Macy's. I applied for the job, found out I got it, put it my 2 weeks that same day and that was that.

You really shouldn't have said anything. You could have left on really good terms, by just turning in your 2 weeks. When a better opportunity arrives, you take it. But it doesnt mean everyone has to know, you know? Specially in something so uncertain as a job interview.

Now Lancome knows you're not loyal and puts you in a bad light.
They cannot fire you for that reason, but if they really want to, they'll find another one to do it for.

I think you should have waited till you found out if you got it or not, so then you could have just left in good terms and if you didnt get it, you could keep your job.

Good luck!
Originally Posted by Ruby_Woo
Seriously I worked for Lancome in a Macy's. I applied for the job, found out I got it, put it my 2 weeks that same day and that was that.

You really shouldn't have said anything. You could have left on really good terms, by just turning in your 2 weeks. When a better opportunity arrives, you take it. But it doesnt mean everyone has to know, you know? Specially in something so uncertain as a job interview.

Now Lancome knows you're not loyal and puts you in a bad light.
They cannot fire you for that reason, but if they really want to, they'll find another one to do it for.

I think you should have waited till you found out if you got it or not, so then you could have just left in good terms and if you didnt get it, you could keep your job.

Good luck!

I understand what your saying..But you see I talk to the MAC manager before I applied & had my interview..She said in order to not have any conflict just because macys & mac is partnership..she wanted me to tell my boss and lancome that i'm applying & have a interview w/them. MAC told me this before it was good to go to set up a interview. I'm just following there rules.


Well-known member
There is nothing you could have done in this me...i know. When at a MACY's, MAC will tell you that you have to tell your counter that you want to apply at mac and there is nothing you can do if they get upset about it. It sucks but you did the only thing you could do.

For everyone else - MACy's has had many problems with people taking jobs in the cosmetics department just to try to get over to MAC. Most Macys have a rule that states you can not apply at MAC without telling your current counter manager. It's just the way it is and the original poster had no choice.

Unfortunately I have seen vendors let go over this kinda mess - the attitudes that come up surrounding someone wanting to change counters gets ugly and people get let or go or suddenly there are no hours for you.

I am really sorry girl but try to butter up your current manager (lie if you have to) if you want to keep your job. It gets bitter.
Originally Posted by calbear
There is nothing you could have done in this me...i know. When at a MACY's, MAC will tell you that you have to tell your counter that you want to apply at mac and there is nothing you can do if they get upset about it. It sucks but you did the only thing you could do.

For everyone else - MACy's has had many problems with people taking jobs in the cosmetics department just to try to get over to MAC. Most Macys have a rule that states you can not apply at MAC without telling your current counter manager. It's just the way it is and the original poster had no choice.

Unfortunately I have seen vendors let go over this kinda mess - the attitudes that come up surrounding someone wanting to change counters gets ugly and people get let or go or suddenly there are no hours for you.

I am really sorry girl but try to butter up your current manager (lie if you have to) if you want to keep your job. It gets bitter.

Thanks for understanding...your right! But, I'll keep everyone posted on what's happening.
Originally Posted by miss_bailey
So now that you havent gotten the job at MAC what are you gonna do? Stay at Lancome or?

I stayed at lancome.


Well-known member
that sucks just reading your post i really wish MAC hired you it seems that your colleagues at Lancome dont want you to progress with your career


Well-known member
You're not supposed to tell your managers anything..bad idea. First you have to wait until you actually got the job and then tell them.


Well-known member
Sorry to hear you went through such an ordeal
But if you really want to get in with MAC, don't give up! There are many artists I work with now that did not get in on the first try
Did they give you any feedback on what you needed to improve on? In any case, chin up and keep trying

Good Luck!