Updates Coming at you guys soon, including pics of my balloonacy stuff as well as my new mally stuff (including eye kit, liquid lipstick, tweezers, spring runway kit, and brow stuffs)
I like! What are those two small cute looking urban decay items? They are the little colourfull pots! I would buy them just cuz they look so cute! I really need to buy shimmermint s/s and some more brushes!
Kinda old what this person said, but still. I agree. I keep all of mine in their original boxes. Us anal ppl gotta stick together wait no...not anal, just VERY careful! xD
Originally Posted by Miss_M Very nice stash !!
And I'm glad to read I'm not the only one with a hoarding problem. I still have stuff from last year that I've never used since it's just too pretty !! I even keep all my mu in it's original boxes, so I don't scratch or damage the compacts
Originally Posted by Krasevayadancer Haha, no. Not hoarding those since they were my first extensive mac shadows. Wanna use those up before I touch my quads, haha
by the time we (all specktralites & specktra) are done with you ,you'll have so many shadows and MAC stuff that you'll never be able to finish it! Even if you did make-up professionally LOL
No on a serious note: make sure you keep in line with expiration dates ,especially for eye products...if you had a shadow more that two years add it to the collection ( the resting place for LE items) and don't use it anymore...
Originally Posted by zendragonzowner Kinda old what this person said, but still. I agree. I keep all of mine in their original boxes. Us anal ppl gotta stick together wait no...not anal, just VERY careful! xD
I do it with some LE items, that i get just for the collection...And i comletly hate scratched up compacts and palettes, but i'm so much on the road that my regular stuff just starts getting scratched up, i actually put clear nailpolish over my brushes , lipliners,kohls,... to make sure the #s or colour names won't come off!
Which most of the people i know, find very pittyfull-LOL