My collection!!




Well-known member
Originally Posted by mskitchmas
wow! sweet collection!
does it all actually fit in your traincase?

Almost all of it, save for the false lashes. =)

Originally Posted by mskitchmas
What's the blush color in the bottom left corner of your palette? I think I may need that.

Don't Be Shy from Barbie Loves MAC. =D

Originally Posted by glitternmyveins
what are those little compacts that have like raised squares/diamond like things on them? they're like very cubic looking? know what ones i mean? There is a brush with that on it as well... what collection is that from?? I LOVE looking at all that make up

Those are from MAC Couture (Holiday 2006 MAC Store Exclusive). The large one is Mystery Powder (sheer powder, also came with a refill), the small one is La Mode (a rich gold highlighting/eyeshadow cream) Rich Metal Highlighter, and the brush is the Couture Buffing Brush (180 I think). =D


Well-known member
I am so jealous you have a barbie!
love the falsies. I love getting crazy ones halloween time. i plan on getting a bunch this year.


Well-known member
this makes me wish i hadnt just gone and blown my tips on clothes and spent it all on (more) makeup instead! i am so jealous of your collection!


Well-known member
omg i LOVE your collection!!! i so want to get the MAC Barbie
I hope they still have it in stock!

oh, i love the 1.6 case. i'm totally buying it once i save up after the upcoming collections!!!


Well-known member
How do you like the 180? I'm thinking about getting it but not sure. Is it very dense? Soft? Is the surface area about the same size as your couture 182 I have the couture 182 and I use it for my mineral foundation. I just don't know if I should get the 180!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by goink
oooh! i love your MAC case, but it's too damn expensive for me. i'm jealous ><

I love it too. I got it as a gift. I wasn't a MAC employee back then so there was NO way in hell I would pay full price myself for the case. Got it from my aunt and uncle as a delayed graduation present. =)

Originally Posted by thelove4tequila
How do you like the 180? I'm thinking about getting it but not sure. Is it very dense? Soft? Is the surface area about the same size as your couture 182 I have the couture 182 and I use it for my mineral foundation. I just don't know if I should get the 180!

I'd stick with the regular kabuki buffing brush. I used to use the 180, but I haven't used it in a good year or so. since it's got flat bristles instead of tapered, it is very hard to get a soft even blend on the face. I'd use it for more of body makeup (my intention for my Halloween makeup), where you don't have to be so delicate and careful when applying.