My Current Makeup Storage! (AKA THIS Is Why I Put Myself On A "LOW-BUY") * PIC HEAVY *


Well-known member
Hi thanks Hun but I found it now on a USA website My friends going to order me one :) It's perfect for palletes I reckon :) Thank you Hun x


Well-known member Sorry had to find it on my phone again lol It took me two days n two nights to find this again I couldn't find it on the history of my phone I couldn't find it on my saved bookmarks even though I did save it Couldn't find it on my reading list Then I looked again after50 attempts lol And found it yesterday I think it was Hooray!!!!!! It's def coming home to me lol Will get my friend to post it and well wrap it to get to uk :) So it may take a while for it come x It prob be quicker u buying it first lol :) if u do let me know how it goes But I reckon it be just brill x I will get my friend to order one ASAP xxxx


Well-known member
It looks great, girlie!!! Do you just love the VG mirror????

I wish I would have made that purchase a long time ago!


Well-known member
Hi don't you get annoyed taking products out of boxes I do But that's when it's not stored properly I hope when I get my new vanity I keep it tidy with storage x :) If not I'm in trouble again lol I'm one of these that leaves items out x :) I'm getting a few five drawer muji at some point I have seperates from muji as worked out cheaper But they been in there cardboard box for five months don't see any point in taking them out ATM As we be moving soon :) I'm frightened that I won't have enough room x in my new bedroom