My daughter is going to become a big sister soon!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MAC_Whore
Awww...congrats!! I am very happy for you. I hope this means lots of fantastic photos of your little one when the time comes.

Do you have names going already?

Yay! I'm excited for you.

Thanks girl!

Oh but of course! My DF jokes that the minute I pop him/her out, I'll be snapping away and looking for good light to take photos of him/her instead of resting

We've got "leftover" names from when we were naming our daughter. I hope we're having a boy because a lot of the girl names are very similar to our daughter's name heh.


Well-known member
WOW! Congrats! I know you already have a daughter, but I think I was the happiest in my life when I was pregnant, well until Hollyn came along, So I hope yours is as happy as mine was or MORE! I hope all goes well with your pregnancy, and that this baby be more than you could possibly dream or hope for! Children are the greatest, aren't they?

Does your daughter know? Is she excited?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by bytchkitten
Congrats! We are ttc and it sucks so lucky you on not having to wait forever!


Hope you're next! *sprinkles baby dust on you*


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Suzyn
WOW! Congrats! I know you already have a daughter, but I think I was the happiest in my life when I was pregnant, well until Hollyn came along, So I hope yours is as happy as mine was or MORE! I hope all goes well with your pregnancy, and that this baby be more than you could possibly dream or hope for! Children are the greatest, aren't they?

Does your daughter know? Is she excited?

Thanks! I had severe morning sickness the first 5 months. I'm so not hoping for that. I do hope that this pregnancy will be a breeze

She does now and she is VERY excited to have a little brother or sister soon!


Well-known member morning was starting out to be a cranky one & I read this
Congratulations! That's soooooooooooooo awesome possum. I'm incredibly happy for ya! [HUGS]


Well-known member
According to this, I'm having a boy. We'll see

And might I add....YAY for DevinGirl!!!! Yay yay yay yay! We're going to be pregnant together! LOL. Damn this pregnancy for making me so emotional! jk

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