My dog died yesterday =(


Well-known member
Originally Posted by xiahe
i'm so sorry for your loss - i know it's hard.

my dog passed away about two weeks ago...everything was fine and then one day she refused food and water...she refused her dog biscuits which she mom made her some scrambled eggs which she LOVES but she wouldn't even eat that! she also LOVES cheese and maybe ate half a slice...we brought her to the vet and they kept her overnight to watch her, then we brought her to our regular vet...they did some chest x-rays and she had a tumor that was occupying most of her left lung, and as a result it was pressing down on the left side of her heart. there was nothing that could have been done and operation was waaaaay too risky because she was such an old dog...we had her for 14 years. i come home from school (i live in dorms) on weekends and i still think she's going to be there to greet me when i walk through the door, or that she's sitting right next to me waiting for a handout when eating dinner or something. i miss her a lot... :crap:

thats EXACTLY how i feel!!! i don't want to go home because that's where it's "Reality". when i'm away at school, it's not something that occupies my mind, but when i'm at home... it's real


Well-known member
I'm really sorry, I know what it's like. I had my cat for 16 years and when he passed away it was horrible.
Some people might diagree but I think it is a good idea to go and adopt another animal. Instead of focusing so much energy on being sad, I think it is good to focus that energy on giving another animal love.
You can't replace your pup but you can give another pup a good life.
Hang in there


Well-known member
awww im so sorry! i know how you feel, losing a pet is so hard. As hard as it is just think that your dog is in a better place <3

karen diggins

Active member
I am so sorry to here about your dog. I am a huge dog person so I feel your pain. I had a couple of dogs when I was growing up and when they passed away it took me for ever to get over the pain. Take it one day at a time. I have a cat now that I love but she will never take place for the dogs that I have lost


Well-known member
Originally Posted by jerseygirl005
thats EXACTLY how i feel!!! i don't want to go home because that's where it's "Reality". when i'm away at school, it's not something that occupies my mind, but when i'm at home... it's real

it takes time to get used to. i usually go home a lot so i'm getting used to not having her there, but still, it really sucks

just think that they're in a better place now. my father passed away from pancreatic cancer last october (four days after my birthday...) and that's really hard...i think about him and i miss him every single day. my father loved my dog, too, so i just think that they're together somewhere in the afterlife


Well-known member
I am so sorry to hear about your dog. I have a 14 year old Golden and cannot bear thinking of life without her. I will be thinking and praying for you and Dr Watson.


Well-known member
BIG HUGS and all my best wishes during this time in your life. I love my 10 yr old JR terrier more than anything in this world and I can understand your grief. Hang in there babe


Well-known member
It is so true that our little furry friends touch our souls in ways that nothing else on earth can--you can see it in their eyes. I wish the best for you, and give my deepest condolences.