My Ex's new g/f is a Psycho Bitch!!!


Well-known member
She's one nutcase! Go to the police and report the assault. Get the restraining order because you don't know what she will do next!


Well-known member
Take photos of your injuries and get yourself a restraining order. You need to protect yourself. Don't worry about your ex - sad to say, he doesn't care about you, only his 'little friend'.

Please take action and protect yourself!!


Well-known member
You need to put your foot down and tell your ex to keep that nutcase far away from you. He has put you in a very vulnerable position and is probably feeding it liking that she is so crazed. Little does he know she could do more damage then just a very few minor scratches. People love to discount this type of personality flaw. I do not, too many times this ends badly with you being the ultimate victim. Do not allow this to be you! Please plead with your ex's mom and let her know that if she does not reason with your son while that women is not around that he is surely going to instigate this til it backfires.

You can get a restrainng order but he also has to do his part in keeping it calm at home. Meaning that he does not say anything to her about you to make her fixate on your life and not theirs. I know how this mindset works and it is scary as hell. If you are at work he doesn't get to go PERIOD, this is no longer a little jealousy issue, she is violent and there needs to be an established distance put between you and this maniac.


Well-known member
Agreed that you should go through with the restraining order... I know it's probably an uncomfortable situation for you though, so if you can't do that, I'd at the VERY least keep a detailed journal of all your encounters with her including the date, place, people who witnessed it, etc. Pictures of the scratches she left on you are a good idea, too... this way here, if anything happens and she tries to flip it around on you saying YOU'RE the one causing the problems (which she sounds crazy enough to do), at least you've got that to prove otherwise.

Kinda Sexy

Don't retaliate. Those kinda girls will never make a man feel good, now he definitely regrets leaving you & YOU WATCH it, he's leaving her ass soon. Keep trying to get a new job. You're a good girl & things obviously didn't go well with him because he's not your perfect man & you deserve better.


Well-known member
PLEASE go to the police and get a restraining order/file assault charges. You don't deserve this on top of everything he has done to you. It sounds like his mother knows exactly what she's like and you'll have her support in doing it.

You are worth way more than this - take this opportunity to show both him and her that they can't get away with it. I have let things like this go in the past and have always regretted not going to the police.



Well-known member
Update: Okay, so I went and got my paperwork for the restraining order and filed a report at the police office, they asked if I wanted to file charges but I said I wasn't sure at the time, I just wanted the harassment to stop. So when I went back to work his mother assured me she discussed it with him and that girl that they were not to come around when I was there anymore. Then guess what the hell happens, I couldn't fuckin believe it...(you see his mom runs her business outta her home), they show up claiming they need to stay there for a few monthes as their place got fucked up by a fire. His mom wasn't there, but I told him, "No, you just can't do that, you need to make her leave, you know she can't be around me!" His mother called and I spoke to her about how I was sorry to cause any stress to her but I refused to breathe the same air as that crazy bitch and either she kicks them out or I quit. She wanted to speak to him so I handed him the phone and he preceded to scream at her and call her and I filthy names then he said, "I'm staying, you'll have to call the police if you want me to leave!" Spolied brat. Then he got off the phone and turned to me and said "Why do you have to make our lives hell?" ME?!? making HIS life hell?!? Then he has the audacity to smirk and say "do you really think this is how'll you'll get me back?" I was livid, I yelled "I don't fuckin want your ass back, I'm over it!". I told him there were other places they could go, like a fuckin hotel, but no, they were too cheap to spend their money, they'd rather mooch off his mom for 3 monthes. When it was obvious they weren't leaving I got fed up, all the fuckin shit he's put me through and he doesn't have the decency to keep his psychotic whore away from me. So then his mother called and says, "so do you two have everything worked out now?" I said "No! they won't leave!" and she goes "well what the hell do you expect me to do about it?" Um, tell them to get the fuck outta YOUR house, duh. So I said "Fine, I'm sorry but I quit, I can't deal w/ this bullshit anymore". It feels like they've won in a way, I was the innocent bystander and I feel like I'm the one being punished. Not only did they shake up my life in the worst way possible but they forced me to quit my job aswell, there should be something illegal about all that shit! So needless to say I had one of the worst days of my life yesterday and today was absolute hell, I can only hope tomorrow will be better. Thanx for lettin me rant you guys, it's like therapy.


Well-known member
awww honey!!!!
I'm so sorry to hear you had to deal with this, but it took this to show that she isn't the problem HE IS!

He is a manipulator and found the perfect tool in this new girlfriend, wow! I'm going to have to get back to you on this, it's hitting a bit too close to home.

I will be back though, hang in there. You made the right descision even though it feels like you just sabotaged yourself. The whole ordeal is toxic and will only hurt you in the end.


Well-known member
That's awful!!
I hate to hear you had to quit your job, but maybe it's for the best.
Now there's absolutely no reason why you should have to see your ex or his crazy new girlfriend.
And with everything you've said about him, it's obvious that they deserve each other... she might be crazy, but he's a spoiled ass.
You did the right thing! Hope you're feeling better soon and find a new job quickly!


Well-known member
I'm so sorry you have to be going through this. But I honestly think you made the best decision. You dont need that type of people around you. I think that b*tch is just insanely jealous of you because her bf was with you for 4 yrs! She probably cant get over it so she throws little fits about it. You acted very well and you should be proud of yourself!


Well-known member
wtf what a psycho ass bitch. lol.

i say put a restraining order on her ass and if she touches you... bye bye to her and i say fcuk how he feels. you shouldn't care how he looks at you. he doesn't deserve you.


Well-known member
she prolly set fire to their place just so she could maneuver you out of your job


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Janice
she prolly set fire to their place just so she could maneuver you out of your job

Yup and if that's how he speaks to his mother trust me girl you are soo much better off without him, wait until she drives his mother NUTS!

Hold your head up, I hope you find a job soon.


Well-known member
get a restraining order asap and you probably shouldn't socialize with your ex, he's a dog for what he did to you. He doesn't even deserve you giving him the time of day.

I'm sorry you've been having such a hard time =[

Beauty Mark

Well-known member
Ick. I'm sorry you have no job, but I really do think that this is for the best.

They may have "won", but it sounds like this chick obsesses over you in a bad way. She can never really win as long as she is threatened by you


Well-known member
So I've got another lil update :p The ex tracked me down the other day at my mothers when I was making Christmas cookies w/ my lil brother. So my lil brother anwsered the phone then hands it to me and it's the ex. Our short convo basically consisted of him getting choked up and spillin tears over how much he misses me, how he thinks of me everyday how he still loves me, etc. I remained polite, it IS the holiday season after all, then I ended the call. Fast forward a few days to X-mas and I called his mother to wish her a Merry X-mas and get his sister's new number and what do I find out, but theres trouble in paradise, apparently the ex and his new ho have been fighting over her getting and making sneaky little phone calls to another man! Ha! Wouldn't be surprised either if this guy had himself a wife or g/f at home, that DOES seem to be her type...taken.
And Appearently he's been telling his sis he's thinking of braking it off w/ her.
I've also heard from friends that he's been seen getting rather friendly w/ some girl at his college who is not the man-stealing skank.
I think it's just lovely how they're fucking each other over. Whata lovely X-mas!

Hope you all had a wonderful holiday!!