My Favourite earrings, My room...etc


Well-known member
Awwww....I LOVE the Tarrapin!
Ever listened to Tarrapin Station (it's a great Grateful Dead album)???

Where are you from, btw?? Are you home/away at school?

You have a very organized bedroom!

I LOVE the jewelry you make!

My friend makes jewelry similair to's hard work, but a lot of fun and totally worth it when it's finished...She got "into" doing it after I started collecting rocks/crystals/minerals and she thought some of them were gorgeous; she thought they'd look great in jewlery, so voila!...she started to create!

Thanks for showing your stuff!


Well-known member
Oh your jewelry makes me miss my beads! I have TONS of stuff for making jewelry, but since we moved here in this TINY TINY apartment, and I have my little rugrat running around, I haven't had time to pull it out!