My First Day at MAC! Or... Not...


Well-known member
Originally Posted by val-x
You serious?! *Goes crazy dancing in the hallway* You working today?

Nah, I was in this morning for product update, but it was over before we opened and I wasn't scheduled to work today. I'm in Thursday and Saturday, afternoon both days though!


Well-known member
your eye color & shape made with the shadow is beautiful, i would definitely want to see a tut on this!
best wishes working at MAC, i can tell you will have much success


Well-known member
man, wish we could see more because this is very gorgeous on you. I was wondering what type of camera do you have? Is it a SLR camera or a regular point and shoot? Thanks...


Well-known member
Thanks everyone!

Originally Posted by val-x
I'll be able to make it on Sat!

Yay! Hopefully I'll see you tomorrow afternoon
I start at 2:00!

Originally Posted by friend_of_MAC
man, wish we could see more because this is very gorgeous on you. I was wondering what type of camera do you have? Is it a SLR camera or a regular point and shoot? Thanks...

Thank you very much! I actually have a great Nikon camera I managed to inherit, but I forgot it at my parents' house
. So this was taken with my Canon PowerShot A75 point-and-shoot. It's old and also inherited. I just realized that I have NEVER owned a new camera. Huh. Anywho, it's pretty old but still works fine regardless of how many times it's been dropped on the sticky bar floor or down escalators.
Hey! OMG your eyes are amazing! I'll def have to stop by sometime and visit you- I go every few weeks! :s I'm surprised the girls at MAC Rideau don't know my name by now! lol! You're at the freestanding store right? I'm so freakin jealous it's not even funny!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by pebbleinthesand
Hey! OMG your eyes are amazing! I'll def have to stop by sometime and visit you- I go every few weeks! :s I'm surprised the girls at MAC Rideau don't know my name by now! lol! You're at the freestanding store right? I'm so freakin jealous it's not even funny!

Thank you! I don't know anyone by name yet, haven't been there long enough, but if you come in I can try to start the trend for you! I'll be working afternoons this weekend if you require some new MAC.


Well-known member
That's amazing! I'd buy anything you recommended for me if I were your customer and you looked like THAT!