My FIRST MAC Intervie & I would love your opinion....


New member
Okay so last week, Friday, I walked into a MAC stand alone store and asked about employment. The manager introduced herself and asked about my m/u experience, long story short, I provided her with my resume. Yesterday, Monday, I received a call to come in and do a demo interview, come with a model, etc., I'm excited, nervous and scared crapless because I had 0 amount of time to prepare. I went today, was greeted by the interiviewer, went to the back, and was given a look from a MAC face chart, to replicate. Was given 3 "minotoes" (minutes, lol) to get my product go to the back and a half hour to execute the look. I grab my foundation, concealer, blush, e/s (bamboo, humid and carbon), eye pencil in feline, etc. I go to the back, begin with the look, I act like she's a customer, I'm talking to her about the products I'm using and how I'm using. This I know to do, because MAC, though an excellent makeup store, at the end of the day, is retail sales. I execute the look, or so I thought. Here were the CONS: What I thought was GREEN e/s on the chart, was actually a black and brown, the eye liner was not winged out enough on the upper lash, I didn't put enough blush on the cheeks, I brought the 'humid' color up to high. Now while my interviewer was critiquing my look, I'm agreeing with her, and kicking myself, because I let my NERVES get the best of me...she also taught me some very valuable techniques. The PROS: I matched my models skin perfectly, her eyebrows were great and my interviewer loved the lip color. So after all of this, I'm expecting her to say, "You're not what we're looking for?" when she ACTUALLY says "You have potential, I want to 're-interview' you in 5 months." She wants me to practice and come back in for ANOTHER demo. When I was leaving the store, she MADE SURE I knew to come back in 5 months, shouting "AND WHEN ARE YOU COMING BACK?" She was sweet, gave me a hug before I left and everything.
Now for all the MAC muas that are in this this a GOOD sign, maybe this is a stupid question, because while she wants me to come back, I still feel I just need your opinions and any pointers for next time


Well-known member
Hey Bella :)

5 months? That's a long *ss time. I've never heard of that, but I wouldn't take it as a bad sign at all! I know it's so disappointing right now, but don't feel rejected at all. Rejection is: "Thanks for coming in. We are not interested." You have a second chance to show them how awesome you are and to blow them away! Keep your enthusiasm up, and turn this baby into lemonade!

Personally, my goal would be to make it so she cannot say no when we interview again. Did she give you tips/advice on what to improve upon or any other feedback at all? Especially because she wants you to come back, I'd definitely show that I was excited to come back and that you are passionate about working there and about improving, so I would absolutely go in and ask for her feedback/tips/advice/suggestions, etc. This will make you stand out as someone who is serious and takes initiative. I'd go back to see her ASAP.

Also, I would definitely use the next 5 months to be seen at that store. Shop/window shop there often enough so she doesn't forget your face. Always be friendly and warm with the staff when you go in so they get used to seeing you there too. Basically, keep your foot in that door. I would also build a portfolio during this time as well to show off your skills and your improvement & progression during that time. If you really, really, really want to, you can get a makeup application certificate as well. It's obviously not necessary at all, but it can't hurt your chances. All of this will show that you stepped up your game over those 5 months and you worked hard at becoming a stronger and improved candidate.

Did you follow up to schedule an appointment with her in 5 months? This is another great way to show initiative and interest. Before the 5 months is up, if you feel like you are ready, and have much more to show her than when you first interviewed, don't be scared to approach her again in a few months to show how you've used her advice to improve and have elevated your skillset. If not, just wait until your appointment. It's better to take the 5 months than to schedule an early appointment and have no improvements to show her.

Again, set yourself up for success. Make it so she is *so* excited and impressed with you that she has no choice but to take it to the next hiring stage when you come back.

Hope that helps!! Keep us posted.