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My First Tutorial - Cats Eyes/Winged Eyes Using Fluidline


Well-known member
love the look- great tut

thank you


Well-known member
Thanks for everyone's positive feedback! I know this look is pretty intense but it can be toned down and the wing can be shortened for a more wearable look if u don't want to go too dramatic. I'm just a bit over the average look of a couple of eyeshadows blended together and always like trying something different, i like geometric lines and like the bridgette bardot liquid liner look but wanted to do my own take on it. I like to be different!


Well-known member
Thanks for the great tutorial! I still need more practice on the winged liner and this really helped


Well-known member
Haha I have dipdown and never use it, thanks for the inspiration. You explained everything so well, thank you. The "Bardot" liner look (I know this one is even more dramatic then Bardot) is perfect for your face.