My First Ultrasound!!!!!


Well-known member
I had my first ultrasound yesterday morning... I couldn't scan it onto my computer because I don't have the software installed, so the photo if kind of crappy..but anyways, it was wonderfullll!!! I almost cried, the baby looks like it's saying hello!!! and it already loooks like the baby has it's daddies nose...hahaha. The doctor said she hasn't seen an ultrasound this good at 12 weeks in a long time, hope she's not just b eing nice...=D im already in love with the baby.
12 weeks, healthy baby, healthy mother, I pray the whole pregnancy goes well.



M.A.C. head.

Well-known member
Awwww so sweet!

I remember my first ultrasound. I did cry a bit.

It looked my like my daughter was dancing. Funniest thing I've ever seen.

Oddly enough, she's 15 months old and she loves music and dancing!


Well-known member
aw, thank you. my boyfriend keeps asking "WHEN CAN THE BABY HEAR US????? I WANT IT TO LISTEN TO MUSIC!!!!!" and he talks to it, it's so cute, makes me emotional!!! =D


Well-known member
Awwwww i remember when i had my ultrasound, i almost melted. Congrats

Your in your 2nd trimester? The baby should already "be just starting" to hear noises, and its hearing is only going to get better and better from now.


Well-known member
congrats ..I totally cried at my first ultrasound two ...I have had 3 so far and the baby is always hiding it's gender ...I'm due in October and I hope I will get to see baby once more before ..but I doubt it lol..ahh how exciting..I know it's a wonderful feelings =)


Well-known member

My brother's baby is due any day now and I am really excited for her to finally get here as she is all anyone talks about these days.

Good luck!!


Well-known member
Cool thanks for sharing. I remember being excited and scared at once.
Seeing their picture for the first time really bonds you. Make sure that you make lots of copies of your ultrasound and save your original in a nice cool place if it is on heat sensitive paper. I made the mistake of putting mine in a baby book then putting it on top of the dvd player. It got really warm and made the picture turn all black. I lost my original photo, but luckily had it scanned in.


Well-known member
Congrats! I remember my 1st ultrasound. Pregnancy is such a beautiful part of life. Enjoy it while it last.


Well-known member
That's so cute!!
We're so lucky to have this technology because when my mom was pregnant with me they didn't have ultrasound pictures to take home.

I remember the first ultrasound I had I was terrified! It was an internal and my son was the size of a jellybean and all I did was cry and cry but the next one with the actual 3D image was beautiful. Enjoy every minute of your pregnancy! Do you want to know the sex or be surprised?

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