My Little Collection... hur hur hur


Well-known member
My makeup is taking over!



Well-known member
that is ridiculous! i love it
my friend just informed me she got her pro card, so I am catching up to you soon!


Well-known member

I'm not joking when i say this..i'm taking notes from your collection! You have a similar skin tone to mine and your looks are beautifull so i kinda need everything you've got! Lol,i sound crazy. Well i want most of the neutrals/med colours anyway cos i can't do completely bright eye looks.


Well-known member
OMG! You have an awesome collection! Looks like you work for or should work for MAC....LOL

Where did you find your baskets you keep your makeup in? I have been looking all over for baskets like that to better organize my makeup and make more room.


New member
little collection??? little collection??? im gonna kick ur butt!!! lol. i am so jealous!!!

i just want like half of that. i would be perfectly fine with half!!! lol


Well-known member
For All Ladies N Gents With Your Collections Post On Here: Hee Hee And My Mom Thinks Im Abd And Hav Too Much Make Up Haha Ill Post Soon What I Have And Its Not Even 1/16 Of What Some Ladies On Here Have!!!! Haha