Originally Posted by samway
that is B.O.M.B_NOT SMALL!!
I have a couple questions..
1) What is that green brush?
2) Can you post pics wearing the yellow and blue lipglasses??
3) What are the names of the 3 lipgelles you have [the really glitter ones] in the vertical row--not horizontal? --> i hope that makes sense.
4) Could you name your MSF's in like clockwise order_or something?
5) What is the name of the bright teal eyeliner between ultra-chill and a lime green one? Its AMAZING!
Im Amazed aNd In Love!! This put my collection to embarassing shame.
If your ever really bored and want to name all your pigments_i would love you, but i'm already extremley jealous!!! WOW.
1. it's actually just the 190se from last christmas' green brush set. That pic was taken awhile ago, I used it for halloween to be Elphaba (wicked witch) and I used Landscape Green Chromacake with that brush.
2. I can try to post some pics later on...I also need to update my collection I can try around that time =)
3. the pink one is Who's that lady?
the gold one is Dame in a dress
and the silver one is cool and aloof
4. When I re-take pics I will do my best to label everything, I'm not sure what msf is which but I can tell you the ones I have... I know for sure the one in the box is Petticoat cause it was broke when I got it home and I couldn't bring myself to "sifter it" as for the other ones I'm not sure which is which but I have- Naked You, Shimagne, Porcline Pink
Pleasureflush, and So Ceylon
5. I believe that is minted. (I can't see the pic now that I'm posting a reply =/ but that is the only teal eyeliner unless your talking about the glitter eyeliners then it's prolly peacocked.)
6. I will try sometime this week to post updated and labeled pictures =)