My mom and I got into a big fight


Well-known member
Well I dont know why, but sometimes when all the stress builds up it just explodes have you ever had that feeling? Where ppl just step all over you for so long and then just this one time you explode and get into a fight? My mom goes out a lot and her friend's daughter comes over most of the time who is soo soo soo annoying, I love kids but this one is soo argh. So just this one night I was hoping that my bf and i can spend new years together, and my mom and dad were gonna go out which I totally didnt mind until she said she was gonna bring her friend and I was like uhh no i cant watch her daughter cause I already had plans, but it was too late they were on there way and no one wants to watch her daughter so she leaves her to me. I got really mad hoping I can spend new years with my bf having fun instead of having the responsibility to take care of this girl. This lil girl does not listen at all I cant tolerate her anymore thats how bad it is for me.

I just got so mad I dont know why all this build up piling on me just had to explode and I just started crying!, I just got so upset saying I dont want to watch this girl, I even mentioned my mom about myspace how she is flirting with guys and giving them phone numbers! I dontknow why i said that cause it wasnt even the subject that I was upset at in the first place but all that just came out of my mouth. I said " why you hide dads pictures when you had that party, why you told this guy that you werent married" etc etc. and she said " I cant believe you are talking to me like this do you want your dad and i to divorce!? and that guy likes my friend not me!" But then still why say you are single even though you dont like that guy it doesnt make since to me!
she said "I tell you and your brother everything!" But when she tells us these things it doesnt make up when she tells us to not tell our dad that she has a myspace that just makes us more suspicious you know?

then she said "dad cheated on me a few times while he was on his trips! you dont know what I am going through, i cant believe you are talking to your mother like this I tell you everything I give you everything! I never cheated on dad I am so hurt by you why are you saying these things!" Then I said "you are always going out clubbing and never spend time with me" and she said "i can go out clubbing whenever I want!! you are always with your bf!" Yeah I am with him most of the time but at those time shes with her friends too so i cant really say much about that.

SHe said I was acting immature (which I was bout watching the girl) but god I dont know why i just started crying. She said all those guys on myspace were just for fun to flirt with. But still it gets me confused why she give them her phonenumber but I didnt want the fight to get worse. I dont know I feel bad for mentioning all that, I asked my little brother if I overreacted and he said "its ok just dont say anything more or else it will get worse".

I dont know I love my mom i just wished i didnt have to explode like I did just a couple hours ago, I just went overboard with everything ugh.


Well-known member
Aww hun that sounds terrible. It's so hard when some one who you should be able to look up to turns the tables around so shes the one acting like the teenager and you feel like you have to look out for the family...Well, good luck, I'll be thinking of you.

Christina Victoria

Well-known member
I'm sorry hun. My mum flirts with plenty of guys on the internet, and talks to them on the phone and I kind of find it disgusting, but I haven't had the guts to really say anything to her about it. She probably doesn't know that I know.

I'm sure if you just give it a little time for you and her to cool off, you two will be back to normal soon. My mum and I have big fights occasionally, but it goes away with a day or two. Just give it some time.

Hope you feel better sweetie!


Well-known member
i'm so sorry. my mother and i get into big fights a lot too, i think it's something we all go through as girls.


Well-known member
don't feel bad. it's perfectly natural to do something like that when things have just been building up. been there, done that; it's not fun but sometimes it just needs to happen.

i had a similar thing with my mam not too long ago, only it was over money. she quit paying for everything which put everything on my dad who's already paying for my sister's college and everything else, so i brought my mam's ebay addiction up with her and asked her why she can't just take care of me for the next six months and hold off on spending all her money on things we don't need, at least until i'm 18 and responsible for myself.

it was just something that had been building up for a long time and i couldn't help but say something. no, it wasn't my business or my place to bring it up, but it was bothering me nonetheless. it's completely natural though.

hopefully it will be better when she gets home and you can sit down and talk with her and get things worked out. good luck
and don't feel bad, hun, it's totally normal.


Well-known member
sorry girl. i know it sucks. but it does happen to all of us. thanksgiving 2004 my mom called drunk and started pushing my buttons. i've always been able to control myself and let her be. but she pushed them to far that day and 15 years of buildup came out of me over the phone. i was bawling and telling her what a horrible mother she was ( shes an alcoholic, so enough said). i havnt talked to her since, i guess the truth hurts. but she also used the "i bought you whatever u wanted" (no she didnt) "i told you everything".. so i totally feel your pain. i hope you guys are able to work it all out, but know your not alone...


Well-known member
There might be no other discovery more painful that those that show us that not only are our parents human beings, they are imperfect and have hidden ugliness and weakness. We've all been there and accepting them for who they are and loving them anyway is just part of growing up. Hugs.


Well-known member
thanks girls, i feel better now for letting all those things come out, its for the best because it is best to hear the truths from their own children and learn what they have been doing wrong.


Well-known member
The older I get the more "human" I can see in my parents- its funny you can see their faults, I'm sorry that you can see your parents at such a young age- I mean it is normal to struggle with your parents as a teen. But it sounds like you're going through a rough time. I think maybe it was a good thing - maybe your mom can take a step back and look at her behavior.

It sounds like you are put in a position to the built in sitter for your mom and her friend and I think parents don't always think of kids as individuals, I know its easy to tell my oldest who is nine to go play with her four year old brother when he's driving me nuts. And she is probably going from the perspective that she raised you and now you are old enough to stay home and babysit while she goes out-

The whole Mom and Dad thing is another issue- who cheated on who doesnt' matter- they should be being responsible around you (that thing kind of irks me that you are in the middle) - ((((Hugs)))))) I think it was a blowout that was coming and at least you got it off of your chest.