Originally Posted by malaviKat
Your skin is gorgeous! I love the look.
Best of luck with the job situation... just hang in there. It'll work out eventually!
...I saw Up on Friday and I agree...it's awesome!
I have another interview with the first school I went to that rejected me.. lol. This time for a 3rd grade position, so we'll see how that goes! Thank you though!
And yay, finally someone else around here acknowledges its awesomeness! Haha
Originally Posted by amberenees
can i rip your face off n wear it???
creepy i know...
but you are gorgeous!!!
That totally made me laugh, thank you!
Originally Posted by Andrya
You are gorgeous! And these looks are great on you. I love the first especially. That lip color was MADE for you; it looks so fantastic!
Thyank you so much, you're far too kind.. everyone around here is!
And yay, because I only recently discovered that I can semi pull off red lippies.