my new home... and spot the kitty!


Well-known member
Your new home is lovely


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MzzRach
Love the pics Lou! I like how Dylan and Annie show up in the shots. Hope they are settling in OK.


yes thanks sweetie
they are doing evry well now! still exploring new places though! and hissing trhough the window at the kitties next door!

Originally Posted by s_lost
Your new house is lovely, Lou! I really liked the arch

I'm a Buffy fan too, so I recognize the boxes right away, hehe

buffy and the x files are my fave tv shows ever!
pleased you like buffy too!

Originally Posted by banana1234
that's really cool. i was hoping you would show us some pics of your new house, how are you liking it? did the move go well?

the move went very well thanks sweetie
we loaded up the moving van on the saturday night, left it on our drive way and then at 8am on the sunday we rocked up at the new place! took 2 trips in the van but we were all done by 10.30am! not bad at all right?!

Originally Posted by Flaminbird
Nice home. Now what is that called over there? Flat? Semi-detached? Also is the grass really that green this time of year? Just curious what the weather is like over there now. I really have no idea what England is like other then rainy alot and cloudy. My cousins lived over there for quite awhile and were married there too. Oh and very pretty kitties

it's a semi detached house
i guess a flat would be what you guys call an apartment perhaps? and sadly yes the weather is poop right now! rainy and snowing this morning!

Originally Posted by blackeneddove
I can tell which computer is yours- Specktra is open on it! Love your new home, it seems crazy to me that all the homes nearby are built out of bricks!

hee hee! specktra is always open on my computer!!
what are homes built out of near you? do they use wood? maybe me being stoopid but i thought most homes were built from bricks!

thanks for all your lovely comments guys! and thanks for saying the house looks clean! i had to clean it before unpacking which slowed us down... the people who did own it left it a little messy.


Well-known member
Ok so an apartment. I get all confused with the names things are called there. I used to watch the show "Are you being served" and LOVE IT! They'd always talk about detached and semi detached. I would love to visit the U.K some time. I'm so interested in the history and seeing castles. I was watching the show "Britian's Next Top Missing Model" and found it very interesting. Have you seen that show?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Flaminbird
Ok so an apartment. I get all confused with the names things are called there. I used to watch the show "Are you being served" and LOVE IT! They'd always talk about detached and semi detached. I would love to visit the U.K some time. I'm so interested in the history and seeing castles. I was watching the show "Britian's Next Top Missing Model" and found it very interesting. Have you seen that show?

ah that show is a classic!
and yes parts of the uk are very pretty to look at. we have a wonderful catherdral in lincoln which is lovely to look at

and sadly i have no watched that tv show - mainly because i work with tv's and therefore when i get home the last thing i want to do is put the tv on!


Well-known member
Lou - side note - I am currently working my way through viewing all 7 seasons of Buffy. I have seen some episodes, but am working my way chronologically through all the seasons in order. Currently almost done with season 2. The really good seasons are coming up!


Well-known member
ooohh my fave season is number 3!
so i hope you enjoy it Rach! i had the biggest girl crush on Eliza Dushku who plays Faith


Well-known member
you have sucha cute house!
and i love those yoshis i have never seen little stuffed animal yoshis those are so cute


Well-known member
Super cute cats and I love your new house - it looks beautiful and the decoration too is great, very luxe but clean looking.