My "OMG I Just Got My Pro Card" Haulage!


Well-known member
Thanks everyone!

I had to up and move soon after I did this haul, and so I've been dealing with that and other personal life drama so I haven't really used most of these products
I'll admit it, I hate pigments but loveeeee them in their little jars. I wrote down some looks for Melon which I think I'll try soon, been trying to get back into the makeup swing of things!


New member
Originally Posted by hello_kitty
...My discount is 30% because I applied as a photographer..

what did you have to provide as a photographer? i too am a photographer, freelance, i'm not sure what i would need to supply MAC with as proof if you like? thanks x


Well-known member
I freelance, but worked for a magazine so I sent in a masthead from one of the magazines when it was published, and then my personal business card, my business card for the magazine, and for good measure a resume explaining work I've done with models (because it was an automotive magazine, so at first it doesn't look like it has anything to do with models).

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