it's my day off work tom and now thanks to you i shall be making me and hubby nutella truffles! thanks so much for letting me know how to do it!! freaking amazing!
Originally Posted by Ernie Just keep practicing, that's what I've done.
I'm older than most of you, so I've had 2 professions, first makeup and now baker! Thanks.
Thanks, that is very nice of you
I am very selective in what I get to a proper finish. Yeast dough (for the Easter bread) is something I never get right. And I should, I should be born with this ability. Damn, it should be genetic.
I didn't read through all the posts, but in one of the first few posts, I think you mentioned that this is your profession? Do you do this professionally as your own business or do you work for someone else??
Either way, you need to open your OWN store! Omg. If you do mail order, I will be ordering from you!