My pictures be used for selling MAC items on ebay


Well-known member
I'm really ANGRY and SAD.

I don't wanna stop photographing for everyone here.

I don't wanna make a big signature on my swatches in the center.

How can I do for this?


Well-known member
that isn't right at all! i'm sorry that your pictures are being stolen.
i don't really have any suggestions for how you could fix it aside from watermarking (which you said you'd rather not do). the only other solution i can think of is if specktra disabled the right click function or the save function. but i don't think that would stop people from using the "print screen" button. :confused:


Well-known member
wow that is horrible

E-mail ebay with the person who is using your stuff and site it for using copywrited material.


Well-known member
You could try to photoshop in a Signiture on the side... I think thats totally wrong for anyone to copy any photo's without proper permission.
I hope you feel better soon and see if you can signiture the side of your photo's there are sites that may copyright them for you..


Well-known member
Originally Posted by IcesUltraGlam7
You could try to photoshop in a Signiture on the side... I think thats totally wrong for anyone to copy any photo's without proper permission.
I hope you feel better soon and see if you can signiture the side of your photo's there are sites that may copyright them for you..

This seller cropped image and said Its brand new, never been opened (the photo is of my own quad).




Well-known member
E-mail them saying they stole your intellectual property.

It is a reason for the listing to be removed.


omg... im so sorry that happened to you. I would be pissed too. I sell on ebay and it has happen to me. You can definitely report them to ebay and they can take down their listing. Yeah, i was on ebay the other night n saw this listing, i knew the picture looked familiar ( b/c i saw ur post on here.. just thot it was the same person maybe??).. again, im so sorry that happened... you really should report it....*hugs* i would be upset too....


Well-known member
Sorry sweetie,but the only way to stop this is the bug ugly watermark. People will find a way around all the other suggestions as someone mentioned above. You will have to put a BIG watermark across the middle of the page with your name otherwise people will crop and still steal your photo. Sorry to be so blunt but I've seen this for years and eBay sometimes takes so long to respond that the auction is now over.


Well-known member
On 09-Mar-07 at 11:48:47 GMT, seller added the following information:
Please note: The swatch provided is by Risser, and is protected by copyright, please do not copy, save or redistribute this image.

Well, I'm fine. Thank for everyone who gave me a hand and cheers. I'll pluck up my spirits to work for MAC addicts.

Ms. Z

Well-known member
You can report that to eBay, it was done to me. About 3 years ago they used my photos plus my description word for word; I reported it and the person had to remove it.

Hurry up and do it before the auction ends.


Well-known member
That's f*cked up im sorry, this is awful..seriously put a mark some sorta thing on ur pic...there r some real assholes around the sorry for the way u feel...u work so hard in putting up swatches and all and people steal it...LOSERS.
with everyone!!!!


Well-known member
You could add a semi transparaent text accross the image (Like 50% in white) so it's like a watermark. Or try using another brush over the image (like a flower or something) for a stamp over the image semi-transparent.


Well-known member
i suj. watermarking across all of ur swatches... ive ran into some problems with my pics being used on other forums. So i started watermarker all. Just use photosop to make a transparant text
Unfortunatly a watermark is one of the only ways to prevent this and that really really sucks. I guess it's better then finding your stolen images on ebay =[


Well-known member
Change the picture with some other picture. Either something really profane or write out in the picture what happened how this person is stealing your images for their own gain. Very niiiice.


Well-known member
oh no!! i've always LOVED your photos. They show texture and color and detail so well..not to mention that they are so artistic! I always check out your page for photos even though I can't read chinese. =)


Well-known member
Once you post it on-line it's public domain...

Immitation is the sincerest form of flattery... At least they weren' doing anything "gross" with your photo's

As long as you can, "Print screen" or RCS, your photo's and images you make availible on-line will be used and abused.