My recent absence


Well-known member
Hi girls! Hyperrealgurl contacted me and made me realize I've been inactive here for a while. Seems to be a pattern with me, no?
But this time wasn't due to me being discouraged. I've actually been rather happy with life. Instead I've just been really busy, but busy with something important....

I graduated college!!!!

Well, technically I won't until June, but I passed my last class (calculus) and now it's just a matter of applying for graduation, talking to my advisor and getting my degree. I was working really hard on studying for calculus and ended up with a 3.5! That's my highest math grade ever. Now I can get my Bachelor's of Science in Earth and Space Sciences in June. I study dinosaurs, which is paleontology and falls into the earth sciences at the UW. So that's one reason I wasn't really on Specktra lately.

The other reason is that several workers have been fired from or quit my workplace in the last couple months. For a while, it was just me and the manager. So we've been working longer hours and more days. So I haven't had time for any elaborate looks for a while. They've all just been variations of that last bland FOTD I posted. But last night I trained a new employee who should be taking over some of the shifts I've been working. So I finally have a couple days off on Friday and Saturday. Saturday I plan to go on a trip with my friend, but Friday I'll try to do an FOTD.

But life's been going well lately. I got back $860 in taxes! No cosmetics shopping spree for me though, as half is going to pay back a debt I owe a friend (he payed for much on the San Francisco trip I took last summer, and now I can pay him back). The rest will go towards rent and bills. I'm feeling more independent lately since I haven't had time to visit my parents for the last couple months either. And my friend Nikki (who went to the fancy Christmas party with me; who gave me my dress and let me borrow her blue gown for the party) has become a lot closer lately. So I've been having fun with her when we can manage to find time to see each other.

I'll try to be around here more. Thanks to everyone for caring. *hugs*

Ms. Z

Well-known member
I am so proud of you.

I’m glad to hear things are going well for you and that you are happy. Keep up the good work! :thumbsup:


Well-known member
Mickey Im so glad u posted this
once again
im happy for u hon....
And def try the look... its going to be HAWT!!!!


Well-known member

Aww, Mickey! That is the best news. I am so happy for you
Missed you around here though. I hope you post some weekend pics soon


Well-known member
i'm glad things have gotten better for you! and i'm looking forward to you being around a little more often.


Well-known member
Glad to have you back! I wondered the other day when you were going to post again as when I started coming on Specktra there were lots of posts from you. You've obviously been busy! Congratulations on your degree, it sounds fascinating too


Well-known member


on graduating from college. I'm so happy for you!

And another

on your excellent calculus grade. I have never been anywhere near math savvy (in fact my "skills" at math are so legendary they have become a joke with my whole family), so many props to you on that one!

I'm very glad to see you again. I missed you! At least your absence is no longer a mystery and was for good cause.



Well-known member
Was wondering where you've been, since I haven't seen you post in a while! Congratulations on your graduation, and on passing calc (omgitssohard)!!


Well-known member
Thank you everyone!!! The Saturday trip didn't happen, so I was a bit depressed, and didn't feel up to an FOTD when I learned on Friday. But I managed to pull one together today!

Congrats, I never knew that you were a fellow science major!

Indeed I am! If I'm not being girly (practicing makeup, perusing beauty and fashion websites, etc.) there's a very good chance I'm doing something sciency (researching dinosaur evolution, adding to my dinosaur website, etc.).

CONGRATULATIONS on your excellent calculus grade. I have never been anywhere near math savvy (in fact my "skills" at math are so legendary they have become a joke with my whole family), so many props to you on that one!

Haha, I'm terrible at math too, at least precalculus and calculus. I only got such a good grade in this class because I took a similar one last Spring (got a 1.4 and needed a 2.0, hence me taking calculus again this year), my best friend took it with me (which helps studying SO much), and it was my only class this quarter.