My Response to MUA FOTD Celebrity Challenge-I think I captured it!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Alexa
i never did that but my mom would put those foam rollers in my hair and i had really tight corkscrew curls. i HATED IT!!

of course, once i turned 11 my hair went curly..psh.

Did it REALLY? Now that is funny. Must be those foam rollers- LOL. Like my MIL insists that her daughters hair quadrupled in thickness because she cut it a lot when she was a baby.


I fail to see how that increases the follicles in a kid's head, but she is a very headstrong woman who believes a lot of strange things, so I just nod and mmm.mmm a lot.



Well-known member
Originally Posted by Colorqueen
Did it REALLY? Now that is funny. Must be those foam rollers- LOL. Like my MIL insists that her daughters hair quadrupled in thickness because she cut it a lot when she was a baby.


I fail to see how that increases the follicles in a kid's head, but she is a very headstrong woman who believes a lot of strange things, so I just nod and mmm.mmm a lot.


yep! it totally sucked. my mother wouldnt let me get rid of my bangs, so they were just a huge bit of fluff in the middle of my forehead.

see! evilllll foam rollers.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by capspock



It sure was funny to see me crashing around the house wildly to take these photos BEFORE the UPS man came to the door AGAIN- it always seems like the UPS man comes to the door whenver I do a bizarre MU look.....or when I got stuck in my gold leather evening gown and could not get out......or when my daughter painted my face black while I was sleeping and I did not know it......and manymore fun filled days...

I could not see and kept falling down running into things. HAHAHHAA


Well-known member
hahah this one is funny hahah!! I kept wondering what lipstick you're wearing, I'm glad you wrote it down

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