My thief-proof (and pretty) storage solution :]

Phantom Goddess

Active member
I love it!!! That is PERFECT for college students who have slippery roommates


Well-known member
What an awesome idea!! It's really unique and definitely theft-proof! I bet your sister is pretty upset!


Well-known member
OOOh I'm inspired. We're moving soon and since i may not have my own bathroom anymore (NOOOOOO) something like this would b ideal for my bedroom.
to bunnings hardware!

Kiss and Makeup

Well-known member
OMFG that is like the coolest thing I've ever seen. My jaw LITERALLY dropped open. Your dad = teh BEST!

And BTW I love your hair


Well-known member
aww great idea. those tool boxes are super sturdy...and heavy. so if anyone wants to steal your makeup again, theyll probably break their backs


Well-known member
wahahahaha! that's great! i never would have thought to use a tool chest like that. men and gearheads everywhere are rolling in their graves and crying foul.


Well-known member
These things are pretty expensive, but I def. agree that they are so worth it!...the hair place I go to stores all of their tools in tool boxes like these, they look so warehouse-y and retro i love them! BTW you look so cute in that pic! Red lips look so good on you! thanks for sharing!


Well-known member
Haha, my sister hasn't even said anything! It seems to have worked though, over three days she's bought...Urban Decay bronzer, Benefit lipstick, Benefit Realness of concealness and a Benefit lemon aid instead of taking mine (though of course, now she has no choice ahaha).


Well-known member
Hmmm, I wonder if they come in black? I'll check at home depot next time i get a cchance. Edit- I just checked and home depot has similar ones in black for about $110


Well-known member
This is the coolest idea EVER. You can get smaller and bigger ones, too, and I bet a good place to find one for cheap would be craigslist


Well-known member
Originally Posted by uh_oh_disco
The top drawers are deep enough for pigments, the bottom drawers are only about 1 inch deep.

that's perfect, i only have a few pigments

as soon as i get my finishing school money, i'm buying one of these babies.