my tiny collection, so small it's not even a collection, but what am I missing?


Well-known member
I have a mix of ELF,NYX, and MAC (My 3 fave brands)
But anyway, this is my sad excuse for a collection, when I get a job, I will be buying tons more
But I need some expert advice on what I need to add to my stash, I know I need Fix Plus....

eye stuff

Brushes ( Don't mind the tongue scraper and my cousin's Doodle Bear
red brushes are the MAC SE, hopefully not for long)


Well-known member
It's coming right along...Just add shadows/blushes as you need them...a few lipstick may be good


Well-known member
thanks TIsh, u know I never use to be a blush girl b/c I though brown ppl didn't need it. But I am finding myself loving blush right now...
Nicholle : UDPP is a MUST!!! <3 lol


Well-known member
thanks, I'm in need of more items, I recently got my Stila <3 Barbie Foxy Can, and my 88 palette should be coming soon


Well-known member
Great collection so far! Obviously it's not really about having a HUGE collection - more so about having stuff you use. You should definitely get Fix + it's amazing, especially in the summer (keep it in the fridge and it feels so nice!)


Well-known member
Thanks^ I don't want a HUGE collection, just a mini sized one!!! LOL
I also want to build a collection to start doing makeup , I practice on my little cousin, and sometimes my friends, but I need a variety.
I am hearing so much good stuff about Fix + I might need to buy 2!!!