My visit to VanDusen Gardens v. Lots o'pics


Well-known member
Hey everyone, I made it safe and sound to Vancouver to visit my sister.
Yesterday was the first day we did something nice. We spent the day at the VanDusen Botanical Garden. It's was really pretty. So between my sister and I we took almost 160 pictures. I'll post some of them up, and I'll try and remember some names.
Today we're going to be having waffles for brunch and then heading over to the orchid show. My sister has a masters in Botany so if you haven't noticed yet she liked flowers a lot.

So this is Day 2 of my trip. I'll probably post a few more days worth of pics as they come. All the pictures are clickable thumbnails.

So these first few are the view from our (my mom and I) hotel room. We can see the mountains from where we are.

So after breakfast my mom and I walked to my sister's apartment which is probably about 10 or 12 city blocks away. While we were walking I saw this really pretty tree so I took some pictures in front of it.

Then we get to the flowers. They're aren't really in order because my sisters are mixed in at weird times with mine. But enjoy.



Well-known member
The garden's were beautiful and we picked the perfect day to go. Today we went to the Orchid show. They were beautiful, unfortunately we didn't take any pictures.


Well-known member
I live only 10 mins from VanDusen Gardens
It's beautiful there and the pics are gorgeous.