N collection is out soon!


Well-known member
i got remotely grey and i love it! i think you should get it. I didnt get modest tone because i have cork es and they looked similar to me but now i might change my mind and get it...


Well-known member
I got Neutral Pink and it's great. I wear it as nude smokey eyes with Nanogold. And then MSF Light Flush as a blush and there is a perfect day look, I think!

I've got a lot of e/s but at the moment I don't think that Neutral Pink is comparable with another e/s of the permanent line.


Well-known member
i was scared neutral pink won't show up on my nc43 skin..so i didn't get it


Well-known member
nunu, Neutral Pink isn't a bright color at all. It has dirty blue and grey shades in it. As I saw the sample on the counter first, I didn't like it b/c I am really a fan of bright colors!
But my MA used it for an eye make-up and I was really surprised at the result. It has a touch of purple in it, too. Maybe it looks good on nc 43 as well?

Dani California

Well-known member
Originally Posted by nunu
i was scared neutral pink won't show up on my nc43 skin..so i didn't get it

I'm very pale......so I didn't get neutral pink for fear it looked bruisey on me.
Any pale people got it ?? I'm worried in case it looks like one of those bruisey / just been crying looks.............

Nunu, I think you should get Modest Tone!!
I love the sound of Remotely Grey...........


Well-known member
I had a look at what was left at the Glasgow House of Fraser counter on Saturday. I was less interested in the eyeshadows when I saw them in real life, so didn't buy any. I had been planning to have a quick look at the MSFs but reckoned that the combination of ridiculous bell sleeves on my jacket and the precarious display was asking for trouble and I left well alone!

However, I got a lovely MA, Lynn, who was quite charming and helped me pick out Strada blush as a contour colour. I also bought some N3 Studio Fix powder to try instead of my usual NW15 (which can be a bit orangey on me) and some MV3 which I really love. It was one of my more pleasing MAC experiences.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Dani California
I'm very pale......so I didn't get neutral pink for fear it looked bruisey on me.
Any pale people got it ?? I'm worried in case it looks like one of those bruisey / just been crying looks.............

Nunu, I think you should get Modest Tone!!
I love the sound of Remotely Grey...........

im NW15 right now because its winter lol.. and i got neutral pink and i LOVE IT!!!! you should really get it, its not like any other mac pink so it would be good if you get it instead of regretting it


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Dani California
I'm very pale......so I didn't get neutral pink for fear it looked bruisey on me.
Any pale people got it ?? I'm worried in case it looks like one of those bruisey / just been crying looks.............

Nunu, I think you should get Modest Tone!!
I love the sound of Remotely Grey...........

I'm extremely fair and I got Neutral Pink. I wore it the 1st time today and I really like it a lot. I don't think it looks bruised at all.
I don't think it's really comparable to any of the MAC shades in the perm. line.

I wore it today with Satin Taupe in the crease and it looked awesome!! Really nice combo.


Well-known member
i went to the Metros mac counter for the first time today [after meeting jordan!] and i must say the counters soo much nicer, everythings neater, its bigger and there were a couple of MA's from the fenwick newcastle mac, maybe they changed? But anyway, alot of people said they are more ignorant at the metro mac, as soon as i went to the counter one of the MA's quickly came up to me asking if i needed help and i said "no im just looking thanks" and she sed just shout me if u need me.. which was nice, cos usually they dont do this

Anyways.. there were the Originals and N collection still out, so im guessing alot of it is left :p i was tempted to buy another 3N omg i love it now, deffo my fave neutral

Dani California

Well-known member
Originally Posted by glam8babe
i went to the Metros mac counter for the first time today [after meeting jordan!] and i must say the counters soo much nicer, everythings neater, its bigger and there were a couple of MA's from the fenwick newcastle mac, maybe they changed? But anyway, alot of people said they are more ignorant at the metro mac, as soon as i went to the counter one of the MA's quickly came up to me asking if i needed help and i said "no im just looking thanks" and she sed just shout me if u need me.. which was nice, cos usually they dont do this

Anyways.. there were the Originals and N collection still out, so im guessing alot of it is left :p i was tempted to buy another 3N omg i love it now, deffo my fave neutral

Awww, ace , what was Jordan like? I couldn't get there yesterday

Glad you had a good experience at the counter, I must admit, I'm finding them a lot better at that counter lately, there seems to be a few more friendly ones working there now, which is good!!

I was in Metro today, but forgot all about picking up Neutral Pink & Remotely Grey, I was so not with it today


Well-known member
Last week I got both Light Flush and Warmed MSF (hopefully I can pull off Warmed as a bronzer) and N3 lipstick. My counter just received the MSF's and they were still wrapped in plastic, so I helped the SA unwrap them so I could get 2 MSF's that had a nice veining

I went back this past weekend to check out the eyeshadows and paintpots, since they didn't have them on display yet the week before and I wasn't impressed so I skipped those.

I also got Nico Now l/g and Utter Pervette l/s from the Originals collection and Bare Slimshine, so I'm a happy girl at the moment


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Dani California
Awww, ace , what was Jordan like? I couldn't get there yesterday

Glad you had a good experience at the counter, I must admit, I'm finding them a lot better at that counter lately, there seems to be a few more friendly ones working there now, which is good!!

I was in Metro today, but forgot all about picking up Neutral Pink & Remotely Grey, I was so not with it today

she was LOVELY!!! you can read more bout the day on my blog

and yeh... i noticed that about 2 girls who worked at the fenwick/newcastle counter were at the metro

Dani California

Well-known member
Originally Posted by glam8babe
she was LOVELY!!! you can read more bout the day on my blog

and yeh... i noticed that about 2 girls who worked at the fenwick/newcastle counter were at the metro

Will go have a read!
I just love her darker hair, I always think she seems really down to earth.

Oooh good, they do seem to be much nicer MA's at Metro now thank god!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Dani California
I got Neutral Pink...........and I really like it!!
Thanks guys!!

Due to all the good reviews, I also got Neutral pink when I was in Brighton last week
I really like it, it's nice paired with Woodwinked and Ricepaper!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MissChievous
I'm extremely fair and I got Neutral Pink. I wore it the 1st time today and I really like it a lot. I don't think it looks bruised at all.
I don't think it's really comparable to any of the MAC shades in the perm. line.

I wore it today with Satin Taupe in the crease and it looked awesome!! Really nice combo.

Thanks, I will try Neutral Pink and Satin Taupe together as well! Satin Taupe is one of my favourite e/s for every day.


Well-known member
Today I am wearing Neutral Pink with Beautiful Iris. It is surprising how good this combination looks!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by jen_loves_mac
does anyone know if any colors are going to be permanent?

i doubt it.. they were limited edition

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