Badkitty- Guess what?????????????????
I GOT IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It's so much fun lol. I couldn't decide what color to do the base with so I did my mani and pedi different base color. It wasn't as hard as I thought it would be. I think I'm forever hooked. I'm already planning my next order lol.
AWWWWWWWWW Your hubby made you breakfast. That's so adorable! I haven't decided what dessert to make yet. My hubby LOVES chocolate souffle and I haven't made it in like a yr so I was thinking maybe that, but I wanted to make him something that he's never had before so irunno. I guess I have a few more hours to think about it before I go to the supermarket in the morning.
Yea I love french tips- well, on just about any color lol. I mainly do white french tips, but I like to change the color around, too.
The zebra design is plate m57, it's the same plate that I used on my nails.
Nyla2120- your designs are pretty!!!! You're like me when it comes to doing my nails. If I mess up even a little bit, I HAVE to start that finger over, otherwise I'll just keep staring at it and get annoyed lol. I'm going to have fun practicing and playing around with the plates. Practice makes perfect.
Please keep posting your designs ladies!