Lovely! And a great price, shame you missed some.
As ever, I don't know what's coming to PPU/FTLOP yet...
The Glams are not really calling me. On sneak peeks I quite liked the darkest of the glittery collection but I won't be getting it now I've seen swatches. And I didn't like any of the gods, until today when swatches made me interested in the reddy orange and the yellowy orange ones, but I'm not thinking I'll bother - will wait and decide later, as you say plenty of time before they ship the one I have on order.
I had no idea GB had stopped UK shipping, another one bites the dust

I actually won the naming competition for one of the customs! No prize of course - just bragging rights haha. TBH none of the four float my boat anyway, so not bothered, but it is cool to have your name picked!
I did buy the Rogue, as well as the Wildflower, one of the Ethereal pre-orders and the Nailed It.
The EPs are all too pastel for my taste, I still slightly fancy one of the jelly glitters from one of the recent collections but have so far failed to buy it, which is good.
I have been tempted by a couple of the new Great Lakes polishes and the last polish Lacquered UP put out, but I hate buying in such small quantities when I have to pay $$$ to both ship and consolidate. I'll see what I have going on with my Stackry box later before I commit to either. Speaking of Stackry - my last Illyrian order has not yet shipped, her 2-3 days TAT is a joke. I know it's my own fault for ordering, but I genuinely thought she was only selling what's already bottled these days so I'm surprised I haven't even had the pre-shipping notice - 16 days now! My Nailed It preorder has shipped so pretty soon the box will be started and the countdown will be on again. I also preordered the Sparkle and Shine box I posted about before.