Nail Polish Discussion - Any Brand


Well-known member
.....and good for Illamasqua. If T endorses their NP her followers will buy it.
I actually removed the T recommends sticker from my Noble. I like her swatches, but she's got too big for her boots. It's amazing how some people hang onto her every word. I agree her followers will be all over anything with a T sticker though. Stick one on a loo roll and watch it fly off the shelves!

Talk about unlikely interwebs heroes


Well-known member
Me too! I wanted more blushes. :mad:
Look on the bright side. More money for MAC and NP! 
Just checked Illa's twatter. Lots of angry peeps about last night's mess. Yet another Illamasqua PR epic fail lol.
Yeah I guess, but I haven't placed an order in ages (waiting for a good deal..) so I'm really bummed out. Illamasqua should've mentioned it on fb or send an email... :yuck:


Well-known member
[COLOR=0000FF].....and good for Illamasqua.  If T endorses their NP her followers will buy it.[/COLOR]
I actually removed the T recommends sticker from my Noble. I like her swatches, but she's got too big for her boots. It's amazing how some people hang onto her every word. I agree her followers will be all over anything with a T sticker though. Stick one on a loo roll and watch it fly off the shelves!  Talk about unlikely interwebs heroes 
''T recommend stickers''?! Hell naw.


Well-known member
True, if she gives something an "A" it will fly off the shelves and if she gives it an "F" hardly anyone will buy it

I actually removed the T recommends sticker from my Noble. I like her swatches, but she's got too big for her boots. It's amazing how some people hang onto her every word. I agree her followers will be all over anything with a T sticker though. Stick one on a loo roll and watch it fly off the shelves!

Talk about unlikely interwebs heroes


Well-known member
True, if she gives something an "A" it will fly off the shelves and if she gives it an "F" hardly anyone will buy it :lol:
[COLOR=0000FF].....and good for Illamasqua.  If T endorses their NP her followers will buy it.[/COLOR]
I actually removed the T recommends sticker from my Noble. I like her swatches, but she's got too big for her boots. It's amazing how some people hang onto her every word. I agree her followers will be all over anything with a T sticker though. Stick one on a loo roll and watch it fly off the shelves!  Talk about unlikely interwebs heroes 
True true. I also used to buy pretty much only top rated stuff but I didn't have my Specktra buddies back then. :frenz: :grouphug:


Well-known member


Well-known member
I really want to... I thought about turqoise or mint before but think it'll clash with the dress.
Maaaaaybe a red like Malice or Ruby Red Pumps?
We'll see.
Well, Manglaze do a white called Mayonnaise and a matte silver glitter called Hot Mess

What colour's your dress btw?


Well-known member
It's a warm ivory with some lace applications.

Hot Mess would be very likely very appropriate. I don't handle events like this very well.


Well-known member
It's a warm ivory with some lace applications.

Hot Mess would be very likely very appropriate. I don't handle events like this very well.
Sounds lovely!

Just go with whatever you feel like it on the day. I think the colour of the dress gives you plenty of room to maneouvre when it comes to nail polish colour.

honey on boost

Well-known member
Thank you everyone on the compliments on my manis! I've been keeping busy lol I'm so glad I was randomly on fb last night and saw temptalia post about illmasquas sale going ok for another hour. It took me so long to get my order through and so much stuff was already sold out! I was able to get a huge discount!! I'm still in shock. I thought they were still having issues mailing np to the us so I didn't even try :( now I wish I did!
[COLOR=0000FF]Truthfully, I'm loving Illamasqua's formula.  I'm wearing Purity today---my third day and it's just starting to chip a little.  In terms of how well it wears, it's making my Chanel's look shabby.  Nevertheless, I love my Chanel colors and will never give them up---just looking at ways to make the manis last for more than two days.  Three days would work for me for any of the brands because I'm on a mission to change my NP every 3 days.  So far so good![/COLOR] :thud: [COLOR=0000FF] [/COLOR]
Try using bond aid by opi before your manis it used to work wonders for me when my nail polish would always chip.


Well-known member
I actually removed the T recommends sticker from my Noble. I like her swatches, but she's got too big for her boots. It's amazing how some people hang onto her every word. I agree her followers will be all over anything with a T sticker though. Stick one on a loo roll and watch it fly off the shelves!

Talk about unlikely interwebs heroes
This was the first time I've ever noticed the sticker. For the most part, I take her reviews w/a grain of salt because I don't think she maximizes use of the products---like eye shadow. She does the same placement every time, which doesn't always show the products potential and worth. Then she gives the product a poor rating. You can take that same product, put it in the hands of someone with a few application skills and the difference is like night & day. Not trashing....just saying!!!

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