Nail Polish Discussion - Any Brand


Well-known member
[COLOR=0000FF]     I've not yet purchased this brand Naughtyp.  :support: Might they bring back the ones you're looking for? [/COLOR]
there's a slight chance, she said maybe a few others will be up,maybe not. So I hope so!! cuz as much as I like the new colors I liked the other ones better lol


Well-known member
Our summer so far is very dissapointing
We had a couple really hot days and then it rains and it gets cold again (around 20C or 68F) for a couple weeks. I'm not looking forward to christmas wheather yet.
Oh our's is too PDF. I long for good weather so I can spend mornings in my hammock reading but it
has rained practically everyday the month of June. It's hard to plan outdoor activities. Forget
outdoor parties-----Everything seems wet and gross!


Well-known member
I almost got this one but I ended up with the zoya version during the b1g1f at ulta. haven't worn it yet but it's super pretty just like this one! I love your pics
Im glad you like my pics :) I have never tried any Zoyas actually, even though I'd love to. Im just such a big sucker for OPI, ChG and especially Color Club that Zoya tends to get forgotten :(


Well-known member
Maybe Llarowe will have them. There's a few I really wanted too that aren't up anymore, but the page seems to be changing all the time, atm not even June 2013 is up!

Out of the new colours I will definitely aim for Purple Roses, Majestic and Water for Unicorns, and of course Ice Castle and Castle on a Cloud. I've managed to swap my bathtime duties with my hubby for tomorrow night, so I should be able to sit by the PC at 7 pm and hopefully get those 5.

well now I'm kinda sad
the np I really wanted from enchanted aren't showing up on the site anymore! I wanna cry


Well-known member
Maybe Llarowe will have them. There's a few I really wanted too that aren't up anymore, but the page seems to be changing all the time, atm not even June 2013 is up! Out of the new colours I will definitely aim for Purple Roses, Majestic and Water for Unicorns, and of course Ice Castle and Castle on a Cloud. I've managed to swap my bathtime duties with my hubby for tomorrow night, so I should be able to sit by the PC at 7 pm and hopefully get those 5.
Ice Castle is so pretty!!! I want castle on a cloud too! maybe water for unicorns... I hope llarowe gets the others back in stock. I got an email about June. it's being postponed for now...

honey on boost

Well-known member
Well I just quoted so many pretty manis on my phone and my phone randomly shut off when I was almost done commenting. So ill just say nice mani's everyone! Lol I am not typing all that again. I put dior Sunnies on for a wedding tomorrow it matches my heels! I can't wait to show you guys.


Well-known member
I put dior Sunnies on for a wedding tomorrow it matches my heels! I can't wait to show you guys.
OMG. I'm sure it will look amazing HOB. I had Sunnies on and it started to chip a little on day 4---that's w/o the Dior Gel Top Coat. It's so pretty that I didn't want to
take it off! This is what happened:

I was just fooling around, and added OPI When Monkeys Fly. Sunnies is so gorgeous on its own. Time for a polish change!


Well-known member
OMG. I'm sure it will look amazing HOB. I had Sunnies on and it started to chip a little on day 4---that's w/o the Dior Gel Top Coat. It's so pretty that I didn't want to
take it off! This is what happened:

I was just fooling around, and added OPI When Monkeys Fly. Sunnies is so gorgeous on its own. Time for a polish change!
GREAT, it's a pretty combo !


Well-known member
Beautiful, Medgal

OMG. I'm sure it will look amazing HOB. I had Sunnies on and it started to chip a little on day 4---that's w/o the Dior Gel Top Coat. It's so pretty that I didn't want to
take it off! This is what happened:

I was just fooling around, and added OPI When Monkeys Fly. Sunnies is so gorgeous on its own. Time for a polish change!


Well-known member
[COLOR=0000FF]     OMG.  I'm sure it will look amazing HOB.  I had Sunnies on and it started to chip a little on day 4---that's w/o the Dior Gel Top Coat.  It's so pretty that I didn't want to[/COLOR] [COLOR=0000FF]     take it off! [/COLOR][COLOR=0000FF]This is what happened:[/COLOR]       [COLOR=0000FF]     I was just fooling around, and added OPI When Monkeys Fly.  Sunnies is so gorgeous on its own.  Time for a polish change![/COLOR]
Love this!!! I do that to save manis too! it helps it last another day or so until I'm ready for a change. Which color will u use this time? I got one more periwinkle polish to use then I'm going for a coral or orange. maybe pink! idk yet lol


Well-known member
I think I forgot to mention that I ordered CG Highlight of my summer and Sun of a peach. I now have all the ones I wanted from the summer collection. now most of my wishlist consists of Picture Polish, Hare and Enchanted , with a few of all the others. Ny the way I'm kind of mad at myself . there was 3 mac polishes I wanted , but I figured I could grab them alter since they always stick around! Pistachio Cream, Schorching Haute, and Sweet Pop. all sold out even on Nordies! ;( oh well i guess I didn't want them that bad since I initially passed.... maybe I'll still find some at the CCO one day ;)


Well-known member
Well I just quoted so many pretty manis on my phone and my phone randomly shut off when I was almost done commenting. So ill just say nice mani's everyone! Lol I am not typing all that again. I put dior Sunnies on for a wedding tomorrow it matches my heels! I can't wait to show you guys.
can't wait to see the pic! I wanna see the heels too lol


Well-known member
All the new manis look great since I was last in the thread. It's fun to see you experimenting Med!

Good luck to everyone buying from the Enchanted restock today. I hope we all get what we want!


Well-known member
All the new manis look great since I was last in the thread. It's fun to see you experimenting Med! Good luck to everyone buying from the Enchanted restock today. I hope we all get what we want! :cheer:
I kno it makes me happy that med is expiermenting with glitters! lol I am still gonna try to grab some enchanted today ( counting down the mins!!!) but I'm sad cuz the ones I really wanted are not up on the site anymore ;( June was also postponed. so I will update in about an hour lol . Good Luck everyone!!


Well-known member
I am still gonna try to grab some enchanted today ( counting down the mins!!!) but I'm sad cuz the ones I really wanted are not up on the site anymore ;( June was also postponed. so I will update in about an hour lol . Good Luck everyone!!
Yeah I got that announcement, too. You know I was really looking forward to June. I hope those other colors will be back when she sells June. There were some that I wanted to get as well. I'm also hoping this means the next restock will be sooner instead of at the end of July.

OK, I'm back to stalking!

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