Nail Polish Discussion - Any Brand


Well-known member
     :shock: [COLOR=0000FF]You mean like this Honi????[/COLOR] [COLOR=0000FF]     So pretty HOB!  I've worn Azure and wasn't too excited about it---your iteration is just gorgeous and makes me want to revisit Azure!!![/COLOR]
LOL yes! That actually looks like her :D
I painted my nails today, figured since this is my favorite type of color (Love anything purple) I couldnt go wrong but I was left with a terribly meh-feeling after I was done with it. SO gloopy! :( :shock:


Well-known member
Chuck some glitter on it! Sorted!

I painted my nails today, figured since this is my favorite type of color (Love anything purple) I couldnt go wrong but I was left with a terribly meh-feeling after I was done with it. SO gloopy!


Well-known member
In honor of Talia I am wearing MINT manis for the next week. Last night I used CG keep calm paint on and SH gentle Blossom on my toes. I will finally be using Essie Mint candy Apple, Zoya Neely, BL Fiver, NOPI Alex by the books, CG refresh mint, and Maybelline ( can't remember the name!!). I hope I get my hands on the Enchanted polish made In her honor. RIP Talia!! Past week I used al my oranges, except one. The one I didn't use is from the nails inc mini summer set and it's kinda pumpkin ish. So I'm waiting till Fall to use that one. I wore CH Sun of a peach first and on my toes all week. I also wore Hare Electric Flame, Orly Melt your Popsicle, Orly mayham mentality, literary lacquer Carrots Carrots. The CG sun of a peach is my fav, it's the only one I took a pic of too lol. Soooo many more colors to go!! lol


Well-known member
LOL yes! That actually looks like her :D
I painted my nails today, figured since this is my favorite type of color (Love anything purple) I couldnt go wrong but I was left with a terribly meh-feeling after I was done with it. SO gloopy! :( :shock:
Chuck some glitter on it! Sorted! :D
It's pretty, I used mine also but I didn't keep it on very long lol. Add glitter like Anitacska said lol I bought tons of creams lately but they don't really do it for me. I like metallics best then holo and glitters. I like to SHINE :)


Well-known member
We just came back from an evening stroll along the river (we also had dinner and some cocktails and I'm pretty drunk right now) and here's a pic for you from the view upon the city (my pedi pic was made at a 'Beach Bar') somewhere downriver. But you don'twant to swim there - there're a lot of cargo ships and there're some algae in the water which make it smelly! Sorry for the novel y'all! Btw Dominique, see something you remember? The large skyscraper on the right is going to be the new European Central Bank.
don't wanna talk about the central bank lol but this is a beautiful pic!!! Sounds like u had a great time haha ;)


Well-known member
Yeah, I'm the same, creams don't really do it for me. They are useful to wear under glittery topcoats, sheer polishes, etc., but I tend not to use them alone much.

My Chanel Taboo is now chipping like crazy, so I'll be replacing it tonight, going to use Marks & Spencer silver holo polish. I've had it for about a year and haven't tried it yet.

I bought tons of creams lately but they don't really do it for me. I like metallics best then holo and glitters. I like to SHINE


Well-known member
I love it, if I didn't have other colors to wear, I'd wear it al summer.

All is alright. LOL I'm sick again, didn't have internet for awhile (stupid comcast), got a lil busy... blah blah blah.... You know how it goes. Now I'm slowing catching up. Well, I'm just jumping into this thread, I was about 40 pages behind. LOL
Get well soon! Don't bother trying to catch up. We won't hear from you for months again if you try.


Well-known member

Bisbee 2.0

Hare- amethystos and a 4th of july mani on the 18th of july
with Hares Leap light year and star tropics.
I am really starting to believe that Hare polishes were made just for your nails.

You know, you should consider starting a nail swatch blog. You have a ton of polish, your nails are gorgeous and you're super fast with your manis.


Well-known member
Soooo many more colors to go!! lol
Whoa, you're really steamrolling through your untrieds.

I did a mint mani yesterday, too. Picture Polish Jade +
Femme Fatale Spring Fling.
I've only stumbled across a couple of Talia's videos on YouTube fairly recently. Her talent was amazing. She's a very special soul. It's sad, but I think her illness made her fearless and made her more determined to pursue her dreams.

I so want the new mint Enchanted. I can't believe some of the ridiculous comments posted on the Enchanted Facebook page about trying to profit off of Talia's passing. It's absurd.


Well-known member
That is exactly what I did too!
Got only Yu so it and am ready for more now

Jardin de Plantes is an exclusive shade here, too.
That's exactly why I got it first! Those colors you mentioned are on my list.

I'm definitely going to pick up Yu now that I 've tried and know that I do like the Satin pencil texture. I wanted to try one first to be sure.

Get well soon! Don't bother trying to catch up. We won't hear from you for months again if you try.


Well-known member
Whoa, you're really steamrolling through your untrieds. :cool: I did a mint mani yesterday, too. Picture Polish Jade +
[COLOR=000000]Femme Fatale Spring Fling.[/COLOR]
I've only stumbled across a couple of Talia's videos on YouTube fairly recently. Her talent was amazing. She's a very special soul. It's sad, but I think her illness made her fearless and made her more determined to pursue her dreams. I so want the new mint Enchanted. I can't believe some of the ridiculous comments posted on the Enchanted Facebook page about trying to profit off of Talia's passing. It's absurd. :mad:
Thanks for reminding me I need Spring Fling! lol I have been trying to use as many as possible lol. I read some of those comments people are ridiculous for saying that! I think it's a great idea and hopefully I can snag one! seems like ppl are always bitching about something on her fb page! Talia was so cute and I'm glad she was able to do all that she did in the short one she had here...


Well-known member
I am really starting to believe that Hare polishes were made just for your nails.

You know, you should consider starting a nail swatch blog. You have a ton of polish, your nails are gorgeous and you're super fast with your manis.
well all but Electric flame. idontlikethatone. i have been told several times about the blog. i would love to have one but i just dont get computers much. i dont think my blog would be in order and all that..


Well-known member
[COLOR=0000CD]Hare is having a restock tomorrow at their etsy site. the monster and dead man's bones are back! they are having a 10% coupon as well. here is the info[/COLOR] [COLOR=0000CD][/COLOR] [COLOR=0000CD]i think im going to be skipping the llarowe restock. idk we'll see. [/COLOR]
Thank you!!! I was just about to order from llarowe but I want the hares more!! A try for let them eat... what? and Rococo Grandeur. both have been out of stock on llarowe a site and are no longer listed. ok I might till get the two a England's to complete the newest collection....


Well-known member
LOL Kimibos, I think it would be a good idea to create your own blog. I would like to have my blog but software and all that stuff make me
too ! And I have no swatches of the nail polishes, I do pedis !

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