Nail Polish Discussion - Any Brand


Well-known member
Hmm, interesting. Decided to buy a few polishes from the CbL restock only to find at the checkout that the only shipping option to the UK is priority shipping at $45. I don't f***ing think so, Llarowe has just lost a customer as far as I'm concerned.


Active member
I have been hunting for the full China Glaze OMG collection for a long time, I found that is being auctioned on ebay right now. Price seems a bit high, but I'm REALLY tempted to get it. What do you think? Am I crazy?



Well-known member
Hmm, interesting. Decided to buy a few polishes from the CbL restock only to find at the checkout that the only shipping option to the UK is priority shipping at $45. I don't f***ing think so, Llarowe has just lost a customer as far as I'm concerned.

I bought 2, Ox and It's spring somewhere. damn jellies get me every time!


LOL! It tastes like chocolate Jelly Belly beans. (I'll explain that 'the Decadent' is the store brand of chocolate chip cookies and they have added other things to the product line over the past little while but this is surely the strangest one!)


Well-known member
Well, apparently the website is messed up and the shipping costs haven't gone up. I have asked on Facebook if she will refund me for the difference of shipping, but I haven't got an answer yet, so I won't be ordering tonight I don't think. I'm certainly not forking out $45 on shipping that I may not even get back. I didn't want anything that badly anyway, so whatever.


Well-known member
I have been hunting for the full China Glaze OMG collection for a long time, I found that is being auctioned on ebay right now. Price seems a bit high, but I'm REALLY tempted to get it. What do you think? Am I crazy?

I think we're all a little bit crazy (for NP) on this thread, lol. If you really want it, go for it. Those holos are amazing! But then again, there are so many good holos out there now that are probably better quality, I would recommend you check out the new Color Club Halo Hues or Emily de Molly has gorgeous holos as well.


Veteran Moderator
Staff member
I received two polishes today, a lovely vampy red by Sally Hansen and a glitter polish, haven't even looked at the names. I wanted to take a pic, but my phone doesn't work. I can't turn it on at all, even though I charged it for hours. It's just a couple of months old, I'm super annoyed! I'm waiting for a message from someone and now they can't reach me. Ugh. You don't know how dependent you are on your phone until it stops working, lol.
Hope you ladies have a nice day :)


Well-known member
My ILNP order has arrived:

They are Very Ornamental, A Fresh Evergreen, Nostalgia, Contraband, Exodus, Purgatory. I like A Fresh Evergreen a lot more than the Llarowe Christmas green holo, that one is too dark, almost looks black. And Nostalgia is just amazing!

Here's my current mani, Dance Legend Sulley. It was very hard to capture all the colours, there's green, teal, blue, purple, pink, orange, yellow. It's very similar to ILNP Birefringence, but it has a bit more teal/green to it (which was very hard to capture).

Hearts and NP Porn.


Well-known member
I received two polishes today, a lovely vampy red by Sally Hansen and a glitter polish, haven't even looked at the names. I wanted to take a pic, but my phone doesn't work. I can't turn it on at all, even though I charged it for hours. It's just a couple of months old, I'm super annoyed! I'm waiting for a message from someone and now they can't reach me. Ugh. You don't know how dependent you are on your phone until it stops working, lol.
Hope you ladies have a nice day :)
Vampy and glitter sounds like a perfect match! Sorry about your phone issues. Hope it's resolved soon. You're right---we need our devices! The tech issues here on Specktra persist.
I hope your day gets better Naynadine.


Well-known member
I started this post yesterday but my browser keeps reloading. The message was still sitting here this morning. I think MAC limited edition products and the anxiety created in efforts to acquire them brings out the beast in some people. I think you all are amazing people. I agree we would have a grand time. If we never meet in life, I will forever consider you all my friends and I'm ever grateful for the joy and nail polish you've brought to my life and nail polish racks.

Thanks Anneri. I adore our little haven too!

lol.gif and NP Porn---and we don't fight! It's the best!

Hearts and NP Porn.
Anybody planning a trip to Toronto let me know! I know a couple places selling OPI/Essie cheap, and one with a giant fishbowl of clearance Zoyas.


Well-known member
Wait wait wait... is this polish actually named fruitcake? Because then I might have to buy it. (Remind me FF? I feel like I should know this, but I have had a whole half a glass of wine..)
Great picture! And I love the polish, I like the idea of the teal in a multichrome.

Part of the reason I haven't branched into the MAC threads (THe only MAC I own is dazzleglass). I started here, and branched into the Sephora threads, but that is mostly it.

Calculate out what it would be per bottle with shipping, thats what I do. If you have been waiting for it, love it, and it is not more than you pay for good indies, then go for it.
Darn you all to heck, now I may have to brave the 5cm snow 'storm' and walk out there this weekend :p
ps- If they have any real sephora events next year, we should totally go.

Anybody planning a trip to Toronto let me know! I know a couple places selling OPI/Essie cheap, and one with a giant fishbowl of clearance Zoyas.
It's Femme Fatale 'the fruitcake is not a lie'

I bought it at the Yonge Loblaws south of York Mills. I drank it all! They also had cookie spread! I couldn't afford both because I found the last box of spring rolls. lol
Does Sephora do any events? I'm so out of the loop.


Well-known member
My Enchanteds, Ulta and Llarowe orders were delivered yesterday along with my RiRi Holiday orders from Nordstrom. 7 boxes all together. It should've felt like Christmas, but I'm dealing with some stuff that is really bringing my mood down. Let's just say I wish I remained in the safe haven of this thread.

I ordered from the Colors by Llarowe restock/pre-order. Got all 6 of the new colors and 5 remaining colors from the Winter collection I didn't get last time. I didn't order from Hare after all. Just going to wait for the next restock after her bottle situation is fixed. I placed a Butter London order yesterday for some of their Last Order polishes while they're 50% off, and got the new Buckie color. I also some stuff from the new Chanel spring collection. The polishes, quad and both cream blushes. I want a few lipsticks too, but want to swatch them in person first.

Here are the haul pics I was supposed to post before.

Colors by Llarowe: (Row 1) Mojito; Army of One; Days of Our Polish; (Row 2) Rizzo; Pink Twinkle; It's Shocking; Ruthless People; (Row 3) Paper Moon; Woman from Tokyo; Grace; Hellcat; Oxen

ILNP: (Row 1) Admire Me; Blue Steel; Exodus; A.C. Slater; (Row 2) 1st and 15th; A Fresh Evergreen; Nostalgia; Very Ornamental; Molly

Scofflaw Nail Varnish: Just Another Candycane Polish, This Must Be the Place, Love Letter to Jacques Cousteau

I should've taken another picture of the labels. She changed the little star graphic on the front to other images for each polish. The Candycane Polish is a Christmas tree, the wedding polish is a heart, and the Cousteau polish is a fish.


Well-known member
I just had to tell you all this. I bought this really cool nail polish today. It's from L'Oreal and the color is The Reign of Studs. It has so many sparkles in it it looks like diamonds! I just love it! You have to put clear polish over it though because when it dries it's rough with all the sparkles but after you put a couple of clear coats over it it shines and looks like glass!!


Well-known member
I like the color, but it wasn't at all what I was expecting. I thought it would be something more wow. You should've seen my face when I opened my box. I thought there was a mistake.
Oh no! Sorry to hear you were disappointed. I quite like the look of it in the pictures. My order was dispatched on Tuesday, so it should be here sometime next week. I'll let you know what I think when I get it.

Sorry to hear you've had trouble elsewhere (is it another thread?). Medgal messaged me to say she was very fed up with Specktra, and is staying away for a while. I don't even venture into the Mac threads now, but to be fair, I'm over Mac anyway, just not interested in the products anymore.

On another note, I have some pictures to post but I've been really busy lately. Yesterday we spent the day decorating the house and the Christmas tree, then hubby and I went to a party (housewarming and engagement party) of a good friend. I got really drunk and somehow broke two nails! Oops!
I'm really annoyed as my nails have been looking so much better lately. Oh well.


Well-known member
Brew yourself a nice cup of tea, ladies, because I've lots of pics to share. It's just a pain in the behind to post pics, but after the last few days I figured we all need some np porn (though of course I can't compete with CC's aul. Thanks for posting CC!) Rival de Loop (German drugstore brand) in Perfect Pink over a black base:
Maybelline Brocades in Sapphire Stitch:
My small A-England haul with two polishes from the Ballerina collection (the Hare I got from Anita wanted to be in that pic, too because they arrived on the same day):
I immediately had to try the lavender blue one (Dancing with Nureyev):
I used BLack Cat Celestica as an accent nail but wasn't very happy about the outcome. The holo glitters in Celestica somehow were lost in the finished mani. I also got Love is Enough from A-England:
A wonderful friend gave me those she got on a recent visit to the US and I was like this when she gave them to me::shock::pompom:
I also got some glitters recently, and the seller included a sample pack into my orders. This was one of the free glitters I got and I simply had to share, because I'm now the proud owner of PINK SKULL GLITTER!
Wow, and that's it from me. Congrats to everybody who made it through this post!


Well-known member
Here's my current mani, Nubar Absolute with Nails Inc Galaxy polish Trafalgar Crescent and a few snowflake glitters on the accent nail. I'm a bit disappointed in the Nubar holo, I thought it would be a lot stronger.

Just a little haul picture, H&M Gold/white glitter and Kelly Brook (for New Look) Regal Riches. It's much more purple than blue, but my camera can't cope with that.



Well-known member
Hi Anneri! Nice haul and wow, what a kind friend! I just love the first mani, and the Maybelline which is a shade not available here. But it's so pretty!!!
And lol at the pink skull glitters!