Nail Polish Discussion - Any Brand


Well-known member
This is why I LOVE this place! You are all so nice! I just like pretty things. I went to Sephora yesterday with NO intention of even looking at Polish...Left with a DL sparkly that I couldn't pass up! Haven't brought it home yet...not enough room in my purse to sneak it past my boyfriend!!

honey on boost

Well-known member
Love all your mani's! I've been too lazy to paint my nails lately and I haven't see anything that I must have. I think I must be sick or something :shock:


Well-known member
Not sure I know how to do this, so here's my attempt!
Some Lilypad pics from my last 2 manicures:
Baltic Blue Indoors:
Baltic Blue outdoors:

True Blood under halogens

(I never realised how messy my application was till now!)

True Blood with flash

True Blood is due to go today so last night I decided to try my first attempt at dotting:

The manicure is a week old, but this is True Blood outdoors with an old Special FX pink cream for the dots. I'm not sure if I pulled it off!
Very nice! wecome PearlyQueen and hello furbaby *scritch scritch*

Quote: Originally Posted by honey on boost

Love all your mani's! I've been too lazy to paint my nails lately and I haven't see anything that I must have. I think I must be sick or something
might want to get that checked out!

I tried to take a brighter pic of Fruitcake but they didn't look any better than yesterday's, so nuts to that!

Now I have to go do all my dishes and emergency clean my place becuase my Aunt and Grandma are dropping by later! lol


Well-known member
those are great swatch fans! I have to get at it... maybe a few tonight!
Very pretty mani!

lots of fun things! happy decorating!

Very pretty! Is it funny that I think of doing an accent on the thumb and ring finger as "Anitacska-style"?

Very nice! wecome PearlyQueen and hello furbaby *scritch scritch*

might want to get that checked out!

I tried to take a brighter pic of Fruitcake but they didn't look any better than yesterday's, so nuts to that!

Now I have to go do all my dishes and emergency clean my place becuase my Aunt and Grandma are dropping by later! lol
Thank you!
Ooh, I have a style!
I just think one finger is a bit boring, so I do my thumb as well. Not always though, it depends on my mood.


Well-known member
I *think* I managed to order PP Aurora & Gravity tonight. Keep your fingers crossed for me! Honey I've not been painting my nails lately either (despite hauling!) I think it's a combination of working late and that I've taken up cross stitch again this year so my hands are already occupied in the evenings if I am home


Well-known member
Honey I've not been painting my nails lately either (despite hauling!) I think it's a combination of working late and that I've taken up cross stitch again this year so my hands are already occupied in the evenings if I am home
Fingers crossed! Have you got a confirmation e-mail? I'm sure it'll be fine. Apparently Sally Magpies is restocking PP tomorrow, but no time as yet. I was smugly sitting the RC restock out this evening, so happy I managed to order Borealis last night from Pretty Polish.


Well-known member
Fingers crossed! Have you got a confirmation e-mail? I'm sure it'll be fine. Apparently Sally Magpies is restocking PP tomorrow, but no time as yet. I was smugly sitting the RC restock out this evening, so happy I managed to order Borealis last night from Pretty Polish. 
I have, but the site says they're on a break, so just nervous they might have oversold. Have to wait until Weds for a shipping notice. I hadn't even been thinking about the restock until someone (probably you!) mentioned it earlier. I knew I'd be too late for Borealis, but was pleasantly surprised to see the rest still available.


Well-known member
I have, but the site says they're on a break, so just nervous they might have oversold. Have to wait until Weds for a shipping notice. I hadn't even been thinking about the restock until someone (probably you!) mentioned it earlier. I knew I'd be too late for Borealis, but was pleasantly surprised to see the rest still available.
Well, they are all still showing in stock (except Borealis), so I'm sure you'll be fine.


Well-known member
Love all your mani's! I've been too lazy to paint my nails lately and I haven't see anything that I must have. I think I must be sick or something
Oh I hope not HOB!!! Maybe it's just a phase. At least that's what I've been telling myself because I seem to have lost my MAC mojo
. I haven't purchased
anything from the last several collections, and MAC is was my first love!
Go figure


Well-known member
This is why I LOVE this place! You are all so nice! I just like pretty things. I went to Sephora yesterday with NO intention of even looking at Polish...Left with a DL sparkly that I couldn't pass up! Haven't brought it home yet...not enough room in my purse to sneak it past my boyfriend!!
Ahoy Lalalish. You're definitely one of us-----exercises discretion and strategizes the best ways to hide NP from one's partner!


Well-known member

Hey ladies! So I've been seeing the beard manicure everywhere on the catwalks and I wanted to try. Used L'Oreal Grace Tweed for the hairy bits, Maybelline Light Up for the textured sort of beard type feeling and then L'Oreal Goldleaf for some added bling. I looove it!


Well-known member
the polishaholic has swatches of Borealis!

Off topic but Kimibos, the Chanel angled face brush that has been backordered on for months is now available at Bloomies. I might have seen it at Nordies too
It's an amazing brush if you're still interested. thanks hun! i should let my dad know. he got me the blush, the stippling and concealer ones! i luv him!
Quote: Originally Posted by MRV DL Candy Shop:

BEautiful! the dupe i have looks nothing like it

Quote: Originally Posted by Anneri

I just love looking at np p0rn like that! Thanks for posting MRV!
I also like the red mani.
Finally my little haul of np supplies arrived!

Maybe I'll try something out later!
FUN!!! i cant wait to see your designs!

Thank you all for liking my manis and specially all the nice comments about my nails. After the trip my nutrition got so bad that i had ridges, they looked very bad. i didnt wear polish for 2 months and was nauseated by the smell of the polish and acetone. i have been putting lots of the orly Argan oil, and a mixed a made of olive+sweet almond oil. i do have to admit that even at my worst my nails always grow long and strong. im very lucky at that.


Well-known member

Hey ladies! So I've been seeing the beard manicure everywhere on the catwalks and I wanted to try. Used L'Oreal Grace Tweed for the hairy bits, Maybelline Light Up for the textured sort of beard type feeling and then L'Oreal Goldleaf for some added bling. I looove it!
Tsk tsk honi!

