Well-known member
Accelerated new product development, aka a topic so boring that I ended up seeking solace in makeup and nail polishYeah, I really like HG 2. And I think Morgan le Fay will be the poor man's version of Dior Crystal!
I figured something must be keeping you busy. What's your subject?
Someone does indeed look delightful, and not just in orange NP. Someone may even have been hiding their light under a bushel![]()
In other news, I changed my polish tonight, and it's a disasterI put on Essie Bikini So Teeny, and it's a streaky hot mess. It seems to have reacted oddly with my top coat (Seche) so it varies in colour depending on the thickness of the TC, and of course I never get that perfectly even. I took it from bad to worse by layering BL Shambolic over it for an accent nail, and no. Just no, don't do it. I don't have the energy to change it again tonight so I will have to wear it out in public for at least one day, but I'd be surprised if it lasts beyond that. Grrrrr.![]()

I have to admit I haven't been working on my dissertation a lot lately, so I can't use the lack of time as an excuse for not posting. It's just that I always become a demotivated, grumpy bastard when I have to sit down and start writing something (that something is the third and final paper of my PhD) and even the things I enjoy the most become a chore. I had no choice but to emerge from the dumps because I promised my supervisor I'd send him the full paper by the end of April

Hmm, it could well be that Bikini didn't like Seche. I remember some of my Zoyas not taking too well to Poshe, which was my HG top coat for quite a while. The pesky things refused to dry and shrunk like noones business. I'm currently halfway through my first bottle of SH Insta Dri and so far so good