Nail Polish Discussion - Any Brand


Well-known member
Another amazing haul Anitacska!

Hey, I've noticed Raindrops and Pink Raindrops have disappeared from Sephora's site. Have they sold out already? Even if they did, they normally keep them posted for a while with an X over them, like with the Speckled polishes. Maybe they're just moving them from the regular colors section.


Well-known member
I have no willpower. I ordered Tropical from Temperature Rising this morning!


Well-known member
Willpower, smearpower! I just scored the Enchanted Polish Time To pretend collection from Llarowe.
I went back to order the new A Englands as well. I'm going to wait for tonight's restock instead. I can still get them all except for Briar Rose. It may be a mistake, but I want to get the colors all at once.

EDIT: Whoa, people are not happy at all on Llarowe's Facebook. They're upset at how fast the collection sold out, which is understandable. Thanks MAC for honing my stalking skills.


Well-known member
Willpower, smearpower! I just scored the Enchanted Polish Time To pretend collection from Llarowe.
I went back to order the new A Englands as well. I'm going to wait for tonight's restock instead. I can still get them all except for Briar Rose. It may be a mistake, but I want to get the colors all at once.

EDIT: Whoa, people are not happy at all on Llarowe's Facebook. They're upset at how fast the collection sold out, which is understandable. Thanks MAC for honing my stalking skills.
So looking forward to your opinion on the new AEs! Maybe you're able to post some pics/swatches? That would be great!!!

My Illamasqua order came today. I'm really impressed how soon it was shipped! I absolutely LOVE Pink Raindrops!


Well-known member
I cannot read the fb things because I am not a member anymore ~~ I would rather time suck over here than there ;/

I didn't try for the enchanted polishes tho the haul pictures do make them look really tasty. I meant to comment on your indie explosion CC but I have honed mine down to very few collections. I had nerd lacquers, which I really enjoyed, but then decided I really do not like flakies so saved only one for layering purposes. I had a few Lacquistry colors and got rid of them all {to kids along with the nerds cept I sold a few of the nerds cus peeps were cray cray over them}, I have one Cryptid from Pretty and Polished {that I layer with the all of time and space nerd lacquer} but got rid of the other colors. I forget what other brands I practiced stalking on since over the years I have gotten rid of them. I think I decided I really like holos and shimmers/glass flecks and jellies so even with my commercial brands those are what I go for. I still have some flakies that I need to get rid of. Whenever I am tempted by them I just remember how much I dislike wearing and removing them

For indies I stick to the A Englands now cus of the holo rifficness. I am eying the Color Clubs and Hits cus of the holos. The one hits I picked up the brush was so wonky it got replaced. I have one glitter gal but the bottle is so teeny that I won't buy another unless it really really speaks to me and I don't see that happening. My husband only likes red and I am drawn to greens {which he finds ugly} so for me to stalk and give myself an ulcer over a color it really has to be one superfantastico red. I won't do it anymore for something I will put on and immediately remove before he gets home.

Yes, I do do my manicures 2 times a day {sometimes obviously not every day}, because I see no reason to have my husband look at me and be repulsed. Call me anti-feminist or whatever you like {and yes I have heard insults about growing my hair out and wearing red lips n tips for him} but I see no sense in not making an effort to appeal to the person I love. I have learned to be defensive about this even tho I know it is unnecessary on this site so pardon my mini rant.

I picked up all the A Englands available. I did not want to wait a couple of weeks for the 5th color during which time the swatches will come out en force and checking out &might need to be even quicker due to increased demand. It looked to be a nice bunch of purple and reddish colors which I can wear around him so I hopped on it. It also looks to be an awesome collection with fated prince being the sole for me only color in the bunch going by ommorphia's swatches.


Well-known member
Willpower, smearpower! I just scored the Enchanted Polish Time To pretend collection from Llarowe.
I went back to order the new A Englands as well. I'm going to wait for tonight's restock instead. I can still get them all except for Briar Rose. It may be a mistake, but I want to get the colors all at once.

EDIT: Whoa, people are not happy at all on Llarowe's Facebook. They're upset at how fast the collection sold out, which is understandable. Thanks MAC for honing my stalking skills.
Willpower, smearpower LOL.
There are many fans of A England here ( they look gorgeous, quite dramatic in fact ), I am currently wearing Essie Hip-Anema ( on toes ), we are longing for the sun to shine ( it's 12 ° ! )


Well-known member
Willpower, smearpower LOL.
There are many fans of A England here ( they look gorgeous, quite dramatic in fact ), I am currently wearing Essie Hip-Anema ( on toes ), we are longing for the sun to shine ( it's 12 ° ! )
We too, we too! (I can beat you, it was 7° yesterday and the radio station began to use Fahrenheit to make it seem warmer. (Hey, it was over 30 then!))


Well-known member
Willpower, smearpower! I just scored the Enchanted Polish Time To pretend collection from Llarowe.
I went back to order the new A Englands as well. I'm going to wait for tonight's restock instead. I can still get them all except for Briar Rose. It may be a mistake, but I want to get the colors all at once.

EDIT: Whoa, people are not happy at all on Llarowe's Facebook. They're upset at how fast the collection sold out, which is understandable. Thanks MAC for honing my stalking skills.
Yeah, my cart flashed empty in front of my eyes!


Well-known member
Willpower, smearpower LOL. There are many fans of A England here ( they look gorgeous, quite dramatic in fact ), I am currently wearing Essie Hip-Anema ( on toes ), we are longing for the sun to shine ( it's 12  ° ! )
We too, we too! (I can beat you, it was 7° yesterday and the radio station began to use Fahrenheit to make it seem warmer. (Hey, it was over 30 then!))
Hahaha :lol: Today, about the same temperature + rain. :jerkit:


Well-known member
Yes but both of you live in the North of Europe, I am supposed to live in France let us say 5 hours from Spain or so by car !

Well, needless to say bright and vibrant nail polishes are really a comfort for all of us !

Dancing is good too !


Well-known member
Ive been so pumped about moving to a house and decorating my makeup room in my head but ive completely forgotten that I have to move the stuff first. HOW the h-ll do you move 400 nailpolishes and a makeup stash large enough to prettify a whole army without breaking or shattering anything? :eek:

On another note, i just got a package! Hellooooo my precious!



Well-known member
Is that the garbage green polish? I want it so bad but haven't seen it yet in person. The second one is really pretty too. BTW I just redid my nails with the cherry bomb and the rouge carat to do a pic for you gals. As soon as it dries I will have a comparison picture. I did a really sloppy job so no criticism please!
Ive been so pumped about moving to a house and decorating my makeup room in my head but ive completely forgotten that I have to move the stuff first. HOW the h-ll do you move 400 nailpolishes and a makeup stash large enough to prettify a whole army without breaking or shattering anything? :eek:

On another note, i just got a package! Hellooooo my precious!



Well-known member
Wow. If they have sold out that's pretty fast. I guess many people were waiting for it for quite some time---like us

Willpower, smearpower! I just scored the Enchanted Polish Time To pretend collection from Llarowe.
I went back to order the new A Englands as well. I'm going to wait for tonight's restock instead. I can still get them all except for Briar Rose. It may be a mistake, but I want to get the colors all at once.

EDIT: Whoa, people are not happy at all on Llarowe's Facebook. They're upset at how fast the collection sold out, which is understandable. Thanks MAC for honing my stalking skills.


Well-known member
Is that the garbage green polish? I want it so bad but haven't seen it yet in person. The second one is really pretty too. BTW I just redid my nails with the cherry bomb and the rouge carat to do a pic for you gals. As soon as it dries I will have a comparison picture. I did a really sloppy job so no criticism please!
Completely to forgot which polishes it is, Sparkling Garbage, Beautiful Disaster, Harmonious Mess and Megapixel FX Black Pixel

Here's a closeup on Sparkling garbage :D Its more pretty than i had imagined it!



Well-known member
It was about 8 degrees here today and rain. Ridiculous. We're going to Disneyland Paris on Sunday, really hope the weather there will be better.

I forgot to upload a picture of the caviar beads I got yesterday, here it is:

No new nail polishes today, maybe tomorrow...? Can't wait to receive my Orly beauties, I got the same as Honi: Beautiful Disaster and Sparkling Garbage.

CC, glad you managed to score the entire EP collection!
I still can't believe how lucky I was to buy 13 EP polishes at the last restock when the EP website crashed. Really amazed she decided to honour all the orders.


Well-known member
Moving 400 +++ NPs huh? I'll bet you CC et al have some ideas about moving that much NP. I say----VERY CAREFULLY

I like your new NPs

Ive been so pumped about moving to a house and decorating my makeup room in my head but ive completely forgotten that I have to move the stuff first. HOW the h-ll do you move 400 nailpolishes and a makeup stash large enough to prettify a whole army without breaking or shattering anything? :eek:

On another note, i just got a package! Hellooooo my precious!


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